Taking Time Out With The Four of Swords Tarot
I would say the perfect definition for the Four of Swords would be “burnt out”. This could pertain to your career, personal stress, a relationship that you are unsure of, health issues, money stress or just about anything else that feels like you don’t have a handle on. There may be lots of opportunities to cover the issues up but the core issues don’t seem to go away. And of course, until you take some pro-active movement on them, they won’t. The stress will stay until you address the issues instead of just looking for relief.
The Four of Swords makes it clear, that you must rest the body, mind and emotions before you take on your next life challenge. For example: just out of a divorce, forget rushing to the alter with another one. Whatever you have left from your last relationship will not be able to sustain a new one. This card reminds you that you have moved into a new Soul Window life phase and before you can fully immerse yourself in that next phase, you must release the heaviness you carry within your body, mind or spirit for it to succeed. Carrying the same old baggage into a new phase of your life will get you more of the same, just packaged differently.
The Four of Swords reversed reveals the restlessness of wanting to do and get everything at once. All the indications are there to slow down, but your sense of needing to “get it done” pushes you forward, stressing you out along the way. Having this card come up reversed indicates you are not listening to either your body nor your higher self for self-preservation. Not listening to this card’s warning will end up causing health, emotional or mental problems. When you are not ok, everyone else associated with you are not ok either.
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Career, Love, Money, Health, Spirituality
Career: The Four of Swords might be an indication you might be getting a little burnt out at work or feel you are putting out a lot of work and not be appreciated. It might just be timing for that recognition to come but if patience is not something you are good at; it could be time to look elsewhere for employment where things move a little faster and recognition comes easier.
Love: If you are in a romantic relationship, that burnt out feeling may spill out into your love life. Feeling a little removed and disconnected from your partner. If your partner is astute, he will notice and it is important to share your feelings and not leave them in the dark. Try not to let your ego carry you to the place that it is your partner’s job to get you out of it. Maybe a little time apart wouldn’t hurt. If you are single, it’s also not time to be vague about what you are looking for in a partner, being careful of that “I’m over it” and hooking up with the first “well, he’s almost what I’m looking for” and settle.
Money: Overspending is a common behavior when the Four of Swords shows up. Wanting it all right now whether you have the means to buy it or not. Credit card debt can sneak up on you pretty quick when you have an unsettled feeling that needs to be nurtured! Start letting money flow out from your heart in charity, even if it is just a $1.00 and you will begin to satisfy that endless pit of wanting and becoming less addicted to “having to have” as you open your heart wider.
Health: The Four of Swords emphasizes being in gratitude where your health is concerned. It may not be perfect but it is important to remember the saying; “But for the Grace of God, there go I” and count your blessings. This card can also point out a message to slow down and take it easy. Pushing yourself when you are beyond the tired mark, can cause illness or injury.
Spirituality: When spirituality is being addressed, it is a message of needing more quiet time and getting closer or back in touch with the higher powers. You have strayed too long from your core peace and faith. Regardless of how jam packed your life is, you MUST connect with the God Spark within for at least a few minutes a day. Make it a priority for your soul and sanity. Lose contact with your higher self-connection, then you have really lost a sense of what your priorities should be.
Susan Z’s Verdict
We go through times when we really do believe we are Super Woman and then find out at the end of the day, when we can’t move, we just might have overdone it or maybe should have taken that cat nap. It is a complex card, pushing you to excel but also warning you not to over-due it.
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