Tami Time: Psychic Tamara answers your questions

Every week I deal with questions from readers and try to help them resolve their issues by drawing a tarot card and reading what it means for them. If you would like to submit your question to me, email me at TamiTime@7thSensePsychics.com.

It is often said that our higher power never gives us more than we can handle. If that is the case, some people are as fragile as a paper-thin eggshell while other people seem to be made of the hardest metal or stone known to man.

There are very, very few people alive today who have lived through such a horrendous year as 2020. It has been extremely rough and trying and looks to get worse before it gets better, but things *will* get better. It may not happen in 2020, but it will happen. Each of us simply must do whatever we need to do to just get through. If possible, do what you can to help others make it as well.

This week in Tami Time, we hear from LaShuanta who wonders about her future spouse, Vicki just wants to be happy after several significant losses, Tisha wonders if her romantic relationship is over for good and Tracie questions her husband’s love and loyalty.

“Will I be successful with the man I’m with now named Joe Charles W. born 12/14 or will I meet someone else to be married too?” – LaShuanta

The card that turned up for you, LaShuanta, was the Ace of Pentacles which speaks of someone new coming into your life. Through this, I am seeing that Charles is not your intended life partner. Rather there will be someone completely new to you and your life as your future husband.

Your relationship with Charles is not at all to be considered a waste of time, though, hon, as there are at least two key lessons you are learning through this particular shared romantic connection. I cannot tell you what these lessons may be as you must learn them for yourself in order to gain the most benefit.

The Ace of Pentacles also encourages you to work to manifest your ideal life partner.

Story continues below…

Considering getting a tarot card reading? We have carefully screened and selected a range of gifted, compassionate tarot readers to provide clarity and new insights into your life. Online readers available 24/7.


“I would like to know what’s in the future for me? I have had five losses in four years, my husband, my sister, my nephew, my uncle and a month ago my mom it’s been tough but I stay strong for everyone especially my dad. I just want to know when will I be happy when will I be able to just be me?” – Vicki

I am so terribly sorry for each of these losses you have suffered, hon. I wish I could just sit quietly with you while you cry and get some release. Since I cannot, I am lighting a special healing candle for you.

The card I drew for you could not have been any more perfect. It was the reversed Ten of Swords which speaks of emotional recovery and healing. Know that this will not simply happen for you, though. It is something you must work toward.

Some losses are much more difficult than others and those that hurt us the most never truly get resolved or are fully accepted. Yet we must simply learn how to put one foot in front of the other and just move forward. Sometimes it will be one day at a time, other times it will seriously be one hour at a time. You just need to make yourself move forward.

Do not wait for your time. Make it your time now. No person, thing, job, relationship, etc. will ever make you truly happy. That is something you must do for yourself. It is within reach, hon. You just need to start moving. Again, I am heartbroken for you, but I know you will be able to go on and find your smile again.

“I was seeing a guy for about 7 months. Things seemed to be going very well. I really am crazy about him and he seemed genuinely crazy about me. I went on a family camping trip (and invited him-he couldn’t get the time off though) and when I got home things seemed different. He didn’t visit as often or respond or text me as often (before we saw or messaged each other every day). Then I blew up at him over text. Told him he wasn’t my boyfriend. I did try to make amends and we saw each other 3more times after. Last time when he left he said “see you later”. But that was 3 weeks ago. He never responded to me the 2 times I texted him. Is it over? Is there something I can do? I appreciate your insight.” – Tisha

Hon, through Judgement, reversed, I am seeing there is much more to this story than what you have highlighted here. This card also tells me that your shared romantic connection with this particular guy will not ever be fully restored.

You will talk again and most likely spend some more time together, but I do not see you ever being a fully committed romantic couple going forward.

“Will my husband ever love me and be faithful” – Tracie

Hon, the card that came up for you was the reversed Eight of Cups which suggests you seriously consider walking away and making a new life for yourself. While this card also speaks of giving it one last try, I am sensing that on some level you already know that your husband will not ever step up and be the life partner you most need and want.

I am sorry to say that I do not sense or foresee him ever loving you in the way you truly deserve nor do I see him being faithful to you for an extended period of time.

Considering getting a tarot card reading? We have carefully screened and selected a range of gifted, compassionate tarot readers to provide clarity and new insights into your life. Online readers available 24/7.



Having attained Master Level at Mediumship, Tarot, Energy Work and general Psychic Readings, Tamara (Tami) has a great many years’ experience as a Spiritual Counselor, Psychic, Tarot Reader and Medium also. She is highly skilled at Numerology, Auras, Past Lives and Chakras and can help you determine your own psychic abilities; she is remarkably adept at simple questions as well as those most in-depth. As an award-winning writer with more than 45 years’ experience, Tamara (Tami) has provided original works to 7thsense on various subjects and writes the Daily Tarot Draw.


  1. Tamara (Ext. 827)

    Laura, I appreciate you taking time to post a comment, but I am not able to answer questions here. Please email your question to TamiTime@7thsensepsychics.com so that everyone has an equal opportunity to be considered for inclusion.
    Thank you and blessings.

  2. Norman Wyatt

    Will I be getting a travel trailer or a fifth wheel trailer?

    • Tamara (Ext. 827)

      Norman, I am not able to answer questions here in the comments. Please email your question to TamiTime@7thsensepsychics.com for consideration for a future posting.
      Thank you and blessings.