Tami Time: Psychic Tamara answers your questions
Every week I deal with questions from readers and try to help them resolve their issues by drawing a tarot card and reading what it means for them. If you would like to submit your question to me, email me at TamiTime@7thSensePsychics.com.
This week, Lesley tell us she has been living in hell for years, Kelly wants to know about getting back together with her ex-husband, Cindy questions whether she should give up on her boyfriend and Yariel has a specific love in mind.
“Hope you can help but for the past 8 years my life has been hell. Could you please let me know if my life will improve? Regards” – Lesley
Lesley, I am feeling that you believe you are bound to many of these very bad circumstances. But, hon, we always have options. Always. Sometimes you may just need to create those options and manifest opportunities.
If you are trapped in a very bad marriage, even a physically abusive one, you have options. There are countless resources available to you through churches, domestic violence centers and many other places and people. Do some serious research. Call the local authorities for directions on how to seek out the assistance you need to get out of the marriage. I am not in any way implying that this is your situation, hon. I was just using this as a basic example and nothing more. Someone out there, I feel, needs to see this other than you.
If a lack of education is a hinderance to you not being able to obtain a good job, do a deep dive online as there are a vast number of resources to help you build upon your current education and quite a few of the most beneficial ones are free.
Your card today, hon, is The Emperor which says you need to form a well thought out plan and do not be afraid to ask for help. Due to some fear and a bit of shame, I am seeing that you are not comfortable talking with many people about what is going on with you. The Emperor also says that drastically improving your situations and life can be done. One of the most effective things to do is to stop thinking about what you do not have or how bad things are. If you are constantly focusing on all of these things, you are inadvertently drawing much more of it into your life.
Story continues below…
“Hi. I was just wanting to know if I will ever get back with my ex husband. Thank you” – Kelly
Hon, the reversed Six of Cups came up for you today urging you to stop living in the past. This card speaks of not being able to move forward due to a refusal or inability to release the past. Through this, it is being indicated that you and your husband will not ever be together again as a fully committed romantic couple. I am sorry, hon.
“I want to know if I should give up on my boyfriend we just broke up that we’re on and off again will it ever work out with him or should I just give up” – Cindy
Hon, through the reversed Queen of Swords, I am seeing that you need to just close this door and work to move on. This card strongly indicates that you need to put yourself and your own needs first rather than wait for him to come crawling back.
You are allowing him entirely too much control over this relationship and situation. It will not ever be anything more than it is right now, hon. You need to let go and move on. I am sorry.
“I will like to know if I will be with the person I like and we are talking but it seems like is not moving forward and if my life will get any better than what it is because nothing is happening and I feel stuck in every situation relationship and financially.” – Yariel
Reversed Two of Cups coming up for you today, Yariel, indicates that the person you currently like has seen and/or heard some things about you that causes them to be remain distant. This card is also saying that under even the best of circumstances, this person would still not have a very strong interest in you. I am very sorry, hon, but they simply do not have the same desires and interests as you so I would have to say no, you will not be with this person. Again, I am sorry.
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Hi my name is Lesley pacheco and I’m just torn to pieces by this man we have been freinds for a while and it’s like a back and forth type thing. I’m always their for him through his bad times and he is their for me also. He has had a previous relationship that ended badly. He had been in jail and I was his asurity and so much more. We were always together doing things together now it’s like we only talk alittle but because of we’re he is living now . My main concern is he using me for sex or does he actually have feelings for me like he says he does or does he have others besides me to be with. He was the first one to say I love u and he was still with the other girl at the time. I just want to know do I give up or stick by him because he is confused because all that’s happening to him right now. Thank u