Tami Time: Psychic Tamara answers your questions
Every week I deal with questions from readers and try to help them resolve their issues by drawing a tarot card and reading what it means for them. If you would like to submit your question to me, email me at TamiTime@7thSensePsychics.com.
This week in Tami time, Anonymous needs to know if her husband has been unfaithful with his ex, Renee wonders about the interest of someone in her, Rhonda wants to know about a new guy who slammed on the breaks when things seemed to be going so well and L.W. seeks confirmation on her intuition.
“I really need to know if my husband is cheating with his ex wife. Or my family member” – Anonymous
Hon, the card that came up for you was reversed Three of Pentacles which indicates that your husband has been physically intimate with his ex-wife at least one time since you and he have been married. I urge you to not take this as proof or gospel, though. You simply cannot approach him based solely on what any reading may tell you.
Please initiate an open and completely honest conversation with no emotions and you absolutely cannot come across as accusatory. If you go at him with accusations right off the bat, he will immediately become defensive and deny even talking with her. If you approach him CALMLY, rationally and objectively, he will be more willing to open up and be honest. You simply must maintain your composure throughout the conversation in order to get him to be more honest.
He has not been physically intimate with anyone in your family.
Story continues below…
“Hello my name is Renee and I am wondering if a man named Nicholas is still interested in me. We have always been flirty with each other but at any time he gets distant. He makes comments that he wants to party with me and hang out but it never happens. Please help me.” – Renee
Through the reversed Six of Cups, hon, I am seeing that Nicholas is stuck in the past, but not necessarily on a romantic connection. While there was a romantic partner who hurt him rather badly long ago, the main issue around him is due to someone on whom he counted a great deal betraying him or hurting him in a very big way when he was rather young.
These two situations, mainly what happened when he was young, have made Nicholas incapable of forming any kind of real or genuine connection with anyone. He does have a very small interest in you, hon, but it is solely physical and temporary. He is coming across as being a “flighty” person. Not at all someone you could count on for anything.
“I have been seeing a guy for 6 months. Things were going so well then he slammed on the breaks said he needed some time to figure his life out. He is recently divorced. Will things work out or should I just move forward.” – Rhonda
With the Page of Wands coming up reversed for you today, hon, it is being stressed that you need to redirect your attention. Things will not work out with this guy. There may be a very brief time when he comes back around, but nothing at all will come of it. He would be coming back around only for a quick and convenient hook up. Move on, hon. You will be much happier in doing so.
“Is my intuition correct am I finding out the truth with my cartomancy” – L.W.
Oh, wow, hon, the card that came up for your question was the King of Wands which screams that you are right on track. Trust what you see, but know it is not gospel or set in stone. You are certainly seeing many things clearly, though.