Tami Time: Psychic Tamara answers your questions

Every week I deal with questions from readers and try to help them resolve their issues by drawing a tarot card and reading what it means for them. If you would like to submit your question to me, email me at TamiTime@7thSensePsychics.com.

For many people, true happiness seems ever elusive. What these people do not realize is that no external force or situation will bring them happiness. Rather, that is something each of us must do for ourselves. If you are not happy with yourself, you will not be happy with anyone else.

This week in Tami Time, Cathy needs to heal emotionally before she can find real happiness while Jill just needs to let go of Billy and move on.

“Hi I’m Cathy I’m married for a long time now but after few years I realize I’m not happy and I question my self if I really In love with him. A lot of things happened to our life’s . I want to know if I can able to get a second chance in love ? If I do when ? I want to smile happy again . Freedom that I don’t have to feel Guilty. All my life I never enjoy life I never experience freedom and enjoy life .” – Cathy

Hon, genuine happiness can only be found within yourself. No person, relationship, job, home, etc. will make you truly happy. That is something that you must do for yourself.

Three of Swords, reversed, came up for you telling me that you suffered a tremendously painful emotional experience many years ago from which you have yet to recover.

I am not seeing that this particular event that so deeply traumatized you was romance-related, but I can say that until you face, deal with it head-on and allow yourself to heal, you will not ever be truly happy with any person, no matter what a perfect partner they may be.

Story continues below…

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“Hi Tami,
I met a man named Billy back around 2002 and we hit it off. I had to move Feb of 2004 to another state and lost touch with him until about October 2019. I fell in love with him again and he even came to visit me for a week. Everything seem to be going well. About a month ago he stopped calling and texting me for about 2 weeks. I heard from him by text and we spoke on the phone. I haven’t heard from him since, he claims he is not ready to talk yet. I know he is hanging out with another woman but not sure exactly what is going on. I would like to know if Billy and I will have a future together? Should I just give him time or try to forget about it?

Thank you,” – Jill

I drew the Page of Pentacles, reversed, for you which says you need to let him go, hon. This card speaks quite simply of little to no progress. He just is not that interested. Had he been, then this other woman would not even be a factor as she would not have caught his interest to begin with. I am very sorry, but the good times with Billy are behind you.

“I have loved this man for 14yrs..I last saw him in 2006 we dated a few times…I think he still has feelings for me…He stopped talking to me bc someone wrote a letter to his job and he thought it was me..NO I would not do that…do you ever see us getting together? Thanks” – Brenda

Hon, I am seeing that this particular man did truly care deeply for you at one time and always will to some degree. Unfortunately, though, the Page of Wands is coming up indicating that he chose to fully let go and move on long ago.

I am sorry, but I am not sensing through his energies that he feels the same for you. It is highly unlikely that you and he will ever reunite as a fully committed romantic couple. I am sorry, but he has moved on, hon.

Considering getting a psychic reading? We have carefully screened and selected a range of gifted, compassionate psychic readers to provide clarity and new insights into your life. Online psychics available 24/7.



Having attained Master Level at Mediumship, Tarot, Energy Work and general Psychic Readings, Tamara (Tami) has a great many years’ experience as a Spiritual Counselor, Psychic, Tarot Reader and Medium also. She is highly skilled at Numerology, Auras, Past Lives and Chakras and can help you determine your own psychic abilities; she is remarkably adept at simple questions as well as those most in-depth. As an award-winning writer with more than 45 years’ experience, Tamara (Tami) has provided original works to 7thsense on various subjects and writes the Daily Tarot Draw.


  1. I’m so sad this week can you explain to me what’s going on and why

    • Psychic Tamara

      I’m so sad this week can you explain to me what’s going on and why

      Judy, I am not able to address your question here in the comments, hon. You are invited to email your question to TamiTime@7thsensepsychics.com to have it considered for a future posting. Also, any one of our tested and proven readers here on 7thsensepsychics.com would be more than happy to help you.
      Thank you and blessings.