What has Taryn Manning stressed out?
Taryn Manning of “Orange is the New Black “fame, has reported that life is a bit of a struggle these days. Taryn is struggling with sobriety. The actress is finding it difficult to balance work commitments and rehab at the same time. However, she is brave enough to talk about her struggle and put it out there for all to see. She said that some days she struggles, but she has accepted that it’s ok, not to be ok. On Monday, she tweeted “Yes I remember, never get too high in the highs or low in the lows. Thank you gut, you have a beautiful butterfly. We became friends finally (sic).”
To Taryn. Thank you for sharing your experience with the world. So many people hide their struggle and walk that walk alone. Your forward and open approach to this may help others who feel they are fighting alone. You have a good career which you are keeping afloat while at the same time fighting your demons. Another good example to show to others. I’m sure your fans will join me in wishing you well on this journey. It would be wonderful if someone could help you walk this walk, but you know that you are the only one who can do it. And you can most certainly do it.
Let’s throw a few cards out for you Taryn and see where the path is leading you. While shuffling, 3 cards fell to the table. And as I always say, what falls to the floor comes in the door.
The Hermit card
This is the card of solitude. A feeling of been isolated from people in certain aspects of your life. It’s the part of you that withdraws to deal with your own stuff. In that space, one can feel very isolated. It’s important to be in that space sometimes, but equally as important not to wallow there. You need to reach out and remain connected to what is going on around you.
The Chariot Card
This is the card of balance. In your case the balance between sobriety and drink. It’s a constant battle as you have said, and one you fight daily. But it is not without its rewards. If you stay on track, you can achieve great things. This battle is character forming. It will help you develop into the person you will one day be. This person that you are set to become, is a character that will one day help others. For this purpose, it is a journey worth taking.
The Ace of Coins
The Ace of Coins is about your career and where it is taking you. You have the world at your feet on this one. It is vital that you take the right steps. Although at times you may feel weak, you must look on them as the pain for the gain. There is a need to find the balance between rehab and career, as one depends on the other. Try not to look too far down the road. This is a daily journey to a greater end.
Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict.
Your admission regarding your battle is to be commended. There are many people out there who have yet to make the step of admitting that they have a problem. Reading your story may ring come bells and make them step up to the challenge. The holiday season is coming, and I know this confronts you with problems, as it is also the party season. But I can see you making great headway in the coming year. A personal breakthrough around the month of March 2017, will lift your spirits. Stay strong Taryn, we wish you well.
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