Tennis Star Serena Williams Has Given Birth To A Baby Girl

It looks like there is going to be another up and coming tennis champion in a few years. Right now, I am sure Serena Williams and fiancé Alexis Ohanian are just enjoying being proud parents. Serena and her fiancé chose not to know the sex of her baby, so I am sure bets were taken. Before giving birth, the 35-year-old said she had a “strong suspicion” that she was having a girl, while Ohanian thought a baby boy was on the way. Looks like Serena won that match set. It is reported that both mom and daughter are doing well.

Williams reportedly checked in two days prior, clearing out an entire floor of the hospital for security purposes before going into delivery. This is the first child for both the tennis champion and the Reddit co-founder.
Williams first announced she was 20 weeks pregnant in April with a Snapchat photo of herself in a swimsuit. She later revealed, however, that the photo was shared by accident due to pressing the wrong button. Given the timeline, her followers quickly deduced that Williams was expecting when she won the Australian Open in January. Talk about a kick ass warrioress that we know she is on the court and now has done the same thing with motherhood. Go Girlfriend! “Two weeks after we found out, I played the Australian Open,” Williams explained to Vogue in an interview. “I told Alexis it has to be a girl because there I was playing in 100-degree weather, and that baby never gave me any trouble. Ride or die. Women are tough that way.”

Williams and Ohanian have been linked together as early as 2015 but kept their relationship private. Ohanian recalled thinking Williams was an “interesting, charming, beautiful woman” upon their first meeting. “I felt like a door had been opened to a person who made me want to be my best self.” “I find myself just wanting to be better by simply being around her because of the standard she holds.” In the weeks leading up to the baby’s arrival, Williams hosted a 1950’s themed baby shower. She also kept all her fans posted on her day to day pregnancy experiences which included: nonexistent ankles, back pain and trouble sleeping. She also went through what new mothers ask themselves, “will I be a good mother”? She was also VERY vocal about not being into the whole natural childbirth thing. She wanted drugs and lots of them! Lol! “I’m not a spring chicken. The one thing I really want is an epidural, which I know a lot of people are against, but I’ve had surgeries galore, and I don’t need to experience any more pain if I can avoid it,” Williams said.
Congrats to the happy couple!

>Susan Z’s Conclusion:

Williams has always been very private about her personal life but she really opened up during her pregnancy. She has mentioned she is not a “baby person,” so worries about what kind of mom she will be. I think she will be a great one but my instincts tell me this a patriarchal child, so this is going to be a little “Daddy’s girl”. Alexis will definitely be a hands-on dad and give her lots of help.

Ten of Wands:
Carrying a burden that takes a tool. I get from this card pull, Serena’s pregnancy was not a walk in the park for her. I think she was totally unprepared emotionally and physically for what her body had to do to create another little human being.

Transformation and letting the old die away. I believe you will start seeing Williams turning her focus on family with more children coming. Not that she will disappear from tennis, that will never happen but she may discover she has more nesting instincts than she thought.

Nine of Swords:
Depression and a feeling of sadness. Since I am sure this does not have anything to do with giving birth to her beautiful little girl, I am going to assume this card may represent a little post partem blues coming up!


Susan Z Rich is an emotional addiction counsellor, spiritual intuitive and holistic therapist. She counsels others to see life in a more positive way and teaches personal accountability for life choices. She is also the author of several children’s books and Soul Windows … Secrets From The Divine.

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