Life & Love, Top Stories

The Qualities of Your Prince Charming

prince charming

The Qualities of Your Prince Charming

I truly believe there is a Prince Charming out there for every one, a different version for each of us. One size does not fit all when it comes to what we are looking for in love. Then why do the majority of women who think they have found their forever prince end up just being disappointed? Most girls grow up on fairytales where there is always a happy ending and the male in the story is just PERFECT, and they live happily ever after together.

What so many of us seem to miss are the important hidden lessons in these stories. As young girls we get in our heads that just finding someone we fall in love with because of his dreamy eyes, beautiful smile, makes us giggle, dresses really cool, drives a nice car, etc., etc., etc., that nothing else matters. But it does.

When we find someone that just seems perfect for us and it rolls out like a Disney romance story, we can tend to put reality aside. Getting swept up in a new romance to the point of feeling euphoric – only to see your dreams tumbling down a few weeks or months later when the relationship goes sour. The qualities you expect of your Prince Charming can be all the attributes mentioned above but what we also must take into account is being realistic about our partners. If we can accept the reasonable flaws with all the Charming stuff, that’s when a relationship has a chance to grow and flourish.

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Some of the strongest Prince Charming characteristics that we should be focusing on, after we get past swooning over their eyes, is a compatibility of beliefs, ethics and seeing your end game relatively similar.

Below are a few things to be taken into account and considered when you are looking for your Prince Charming or he shows up.

  1. Start with a clean slate. Let the old relationships go and stay in the past.
  2. Don’t compare. Every guy comes in with new qualities and a new opportunity to explore a different personality and gifts being offered.
  3. Mourning the loss of the “limerence” phase of your relationship when both of you can do no wrong will only make the present moment feel less. That “oh he’s so perfect” phase only lasts until the endorphins are no longer producing blind euphoria. Then real life starts.
  4. Manage the flaws of your Prince Charming with a sense of humor and an open mind. If you actually did get someone that was absolutely “perfect”, it would eventually get on your nerves having to live up to it.
  5. Real Prince Charmings have ethics, kindness, are respectful and actually get that there are two people in a relationship, not just him.
  6. If you are looking for permanence from your Prince Charming, make sure he has it also. Meaning…does he have a home of his own, has he completed one phase of his life and ready to move on to the next. The “we are separated but not yet divorced” means his life is on the move and he is not sure of what the end game will look like.
  7. Real Prince Charmings have a decent relationship with his family. Maybe not perfect but he likes them and actually spends time with them. Family roots are more important than you think when it comes to that man you want to spend the rest of your life with as they come along with the Prince, like it or not.
  8. Your Prince Charming should make you feel that you are one of the most important people in his life. That will change in depth as time goes by but the core of being important to him and also acknowledging what makes YOU happy should never change.
  9. Handsome is definitely a nice plus but even that will change as we age. One day you will look across the table at an old man and realize he is your husband. What will keep that boyish good-looking attraction going for him is the beautiful inside. Intangible loving attributes that you would expect from your Prince Charming. Those never change with age.

Susan Z’s Verdict

Everyone has their own version of what Prince Charming will be when he shows up. If your Prince Charmings have been more like Dr. Jeckel and Mr. Hyde, then you need to let go of that impossible perfect man and choose what really makes a man a Prince, his heart and how he uses it. It is in the kindness, compassion and caring about those around him versus having the expectations that his happiness is what matters in the love partnership. .

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  1. Thank you sooo much for sharing your story with me. I got a lot out of it. These days I can relate to everything you said. I sometimes have difficulty in relationships. I am very grateful for what you had to say and I’m hoping I can use it to my benefit. As I get older I realize it’s hard to keep a relationship going. It takes a lot of work and depends on both people. So I’ll just keep in mind what priorities I should have at this stage in my life and consider others too. Especially those I intend to spend a lot of time with. God bless you and your family and I hope to read more from you. Thank you again. Love Tracey

  2. I just woke up from my bad dream starting all over with someone else and stopped it… Then I read this email and the revelation of my reality was confirmed.