Choose Your Tarot Card
Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.
Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for today that carries your journey with it.
Tarot Card Draw #1: Temperance, reversed
While Temperance in the upright position indicates you have found your inner calm and balance, reversed this card means you have lost touch with these and your life seems to be unraveling. You feel as though you are in the midst of utter chaos, and can no longer find peace and harmony in your life because everything seems to be crumbling down around you. You are likely being dragged into others’ conflicts, or are just feeling very pessimistic about life in general. You need to take some time to yourself to get back in touch with your inner calm and peace before you get too far into the darkness that you cannot find a way out. In your romantic life, if you are in a relationship, you have likely been experiencing a lot of stress and conflict, and you feel as though your relationship is off balanced. There have been an excessive amount of arguments between you and your partner, which has left one of you feeling unloved and as though there is no respect from the other partner. You need to have a conversation with your partner to find a way to restore the balance in your relationship. If you are looking for a relationship, you need to be more patient in your search for a partner. You have become slightly desperate, and have been too generous towards potential partners and they are taking advantage. This has also caused you to come across as too eager and sometimes overbearing, which is driving away any potential long term partners. In your career, there have been increasing conflicts and differences of opinions in the workplace. There is a lack of balance and structure on the career front, and these conflicts are causing increased stress and tension which have caused you to question your worth. While sometimes the best choice is not necessarily to make a complete career change, it might be in your best interest to take a step back from your position temporarily until either the conflicts are resolved or you are in a better position to handle the conflicts.
Tarot Card Draw #2: Page of Swords, reversed
The Page of Swords reversed represents a time in which you are feeling very lackluster, demotivated, or otherwise have no desire to complete regular tasks. You have felt very mentally exhausted, and simply do not have the drive to push forward. You might be feeling mentally broken down, or have just exhausted all of your efforts recently and need a break. You might be biting off more than you can chew, letting down your close friends and family with undelivered promises. Be careful to ensure you are not spreading yourself too thin, and focus on only one task at a time. Recharge your mind and your thoughts, and take some extra time to reevaluate your focus so you can proceed. The Page of Swords reversed can also indicate that someone around you is manipulating your mind to work against you, potentially damaging your wellbeing and other relationships. Unfortunately, sometimes those we allow to be the closest to us do not have pure intentions. It is not uncommon for people to manipulate others around them to compensate for something they are lacking. While this is usually intentional, on some occasions the person is not even aware they are manipulating you or causing any harm. Be careful in your interactions with your closest friends and family, and pay close attention to the things they are doing or saying and what effect they have on your life and decision making. The Page of Swords reversed also can indicate that you are unsure of your path in life. You may be jumping around between different careers, or different areas of study or focus in your professional life, and you need to find something solid to grab onto. Maybe you are unsure of where you want to live, what higher education courses you want to take, what career you want to settle into, or any number of decisions. Take some time to truly feel what is in your own mind and heart, ensuring that you are not allowing others to manipulate anything you want for yourself, and go forth with the path you feel is best for your own wellbeing.
Tarot Card Draw #3: Five of Cups, reversed
The Five of Cups reversed indicates a period of healing and moving forward after a prolonged struggle. This indicates moving forward, accepting help, and finally taking accountability for your actions and choosing to learn from the mistakes in your past. In the past, you have refused help but you have finally come to realize that it is important to seek help during a struggle so that you can begin to rebuild and move forward. You might also be ready to get back out into the world after a period of seclusion. In your romantic life, if you are in a relationship, the Five of Cups reversed indicates you are finally ready to let go of any grudges you hold against your partner, forgive them for their mistakes, and begin to heal and improve your relationship. While they have wronged you in the past, you are both trying desperately to make the relationship continue to work but the negative feelings you have been harboring are finally being released. If you are looking for a relationship, you are finally ready to let go of the damage that has been done by past partners and free yourself of the hold you have allowed it to have over your life. This new and improved attitude and outlook on life will lead to more positive and fulfilling encounters and potential relationships. In your career, you are finally getting back into the workforce after experiencing a setback. You have struggled to find your place, and after some much needed time off to regain focus it is time to get back out into the world and let your talents shine.
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