Tarot Reading

Thursday Interactive Tarot Reading – Jul 9th 2020

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Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.


Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for the week that carries your journey with it.






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Tarot Card Draw #1: Knight of Pentacles (Reversed)

The image on the Knight of Pentacles often evokes thoughts of success as we see a relatively young figure holding a large coin (pentacle) astride a gorgeous and regal steed. When this card comes up reversed for you as it did today, it indicates the very opposite. If you find yourself seeking answers about the character and possibilities of a potential new love interest and you get this card reversed in your daily draw, it is a warning to run, quickly, far away. Reversed, this card speaks of a person who is generally quite lazy and always taking full credit for the hard work and efforts of others. It can signify one who is given to extreme gambling and always looking to make a quick and easy dollar, usually at the expense of someone else. For a potential love interest, it indicates one of whom you will have to always take care financially and in every other way such as around the home as this person will not lift a finger to cook or wash a single dirty dish or article of clothing. If you are not seeking answers about a potential new love or other individual in your life such as your own child or a deadbeat parent and the Knight of Pentacles turns up reversed for you, it is as though it is holding up a mirror to your own behavior. How have you been acting in your professional life? How do you treat others, especially those who could potentially benefit you in some way? This card urges you to step it up and work hard, making an honest living through honest means and not at the expense of anyone else in any way be it through robbing, cheating or simply taking credit when it is not due you. Work hard. Make your own money. Take care of your own obligations.

Tarot Card Draw #2: Judgement

The first thing most seekers think of when Judgement appears for them is trouble with the law. It is difficult to not think this when the card depicts three small and broken figures pleading with a clear authority figure looming large above them. While this card does occasionally indicate legal matters, if you look a bit more closely, it appears that the small figures may be rising up out of coffins as they are wrapped in mummy garb. More often, this card indicates you, as a person, being judged by others as well as your own Karmic judgement or reward. We each reap what we sow. If you have been struggling with some more negative circumstances than usual and this card comes up for you in a daily draw, it urges you to take a couple of steps back and reassess how you have been choosing to live your life. Could all the negativity be Karma being visited upon you? Alternatively, this card speaks of how others view us and may be judging us or how we choose to live our lives as well as you possibly holding yourself to an impossibly high standard. More importantly, how are you viewing others, and have you possibly been judging others too harshly? When it does come up signifying a legal matter, you are being told that if you have acted honorably and on the side of right, then the judgment heaped upon you will be in your favor. However, if you have made some questionable decisions or flat out acted inappropriately, you will pay the price.

Tarot Card Draw #3: Four of Swords

The Four of Swords will often turn up when you are feeling anxious, overwhelmed, lost or confused. This card indicates a need for stepping back, looking within and getting right in your spirit and at your core being. On the Four of Swords, we see a person appearing to be deep in meditation with four crossed swords laid out before them. Through this, we can see the potential benefit of removing ourselves from a situation to try and gain a different perspective as well as recuperate and just get our minds right. Among some of the other issues possibly needing to be addressed when this card shows up for you are fear, mental illness and simply just needing a break. The four crossed swords before our person represent the answers you could find by stepping outside of yourself or the situation. They also show the new, and hopefully better, perspective gained through meditation and a simple time out. When this card falls for you in a daily draw, it is there to give you permission to put yourself first for a bit for the betterment of your own well-being. You could be in denial about some emotional or mental issues and this card is there to hold up a mirror to your core. Putting yourself first is not license to be selfish, only to look within and nurture your spirit and find the answers for which you have been looking.

Considering getting a tarot card reading? We have carefully screened and selected a range of gifted, compassionate tarot readers to provide clarity and new insights into your life. Online readers available 24/7.

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