Tarot Reading

Thursday Interactive Tarot Reading – Sep 23rd 2021

Choose Your Tarot Card

Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.


Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for today that carries your journey with it.






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Considering getting a tarot card reading? We have carefully screened and selected a range of gifted, compassionate tarot readers to provide clarity and new insights into your life. Online readers available 24/7.

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Tarot Card Draw #1: The Emperor

In a general daily Tarot draw, The Emperor turning up for you can often provide some clarity if you struggle with self-esteem issues as the adult child of a seemingly relentless father figure. Whether the primary male influence in your life during your formative years was your biological father or another “stand-in”, The Emperor may show up to help you have a better understanding of that man and how he affects you in your life now. The Emperor often is indicative of a man with incredibly high, and often unrealistic, expectations of all people, especially his own children and others over whom he has/had influence. He represents a male, either biologically or someone with incredibly strong male tendencies, who has little tolerance for fun and games and is more of a task master. He wields such dominance over others with little room for emotional or thoughtful matters, that he basically sucks all the fun out of life and will even greatly influence how people come to see themselves. Being under such an influence is not in any way to give you any excuses for not believing in yourself or for rarely rising to the challenges of life, rather it is to help you understand better why you have become the way you are and the ammunition (knowledge) to change it. Aside from all of this, The Emperor can also be representative of an older male or female with strong male tendencies who is quite set in their ways leaving little room for negotiation in that regard. This person is quite often excellent in business and financial matters as well as wealthy in material things, but not necessarily in the things that truly matter such as close family, friends or even romantic connections. This person is stoic and very, very rarely bends under pressure. Not always the best person to have in your life, but they are excellent providers. For those of you who may simply be struggling to reach a goal or make something significant happen in your career or finances, The Emperor will turn up to stress the need for better planning and execution of said plans as well as to remain hyper aware of the end goal and to stay focused and regimented in your efforts. A rather lesser indication of this card is impending fatherhood, quite possibly sooner rather than later. In matters of the heart for those who are single and prefer men, The Emperor will pop up foretelling of a romantic connection with an older and/or possibly much more mature man who most likely is not the best at romantic relationships. The flipside of this, singles interested in women need to step up and make themselves and their interest known to the object of their affection because hints and subtilities will not work on your current target. Those in established romantic relationships can look forward to a long-lasting, fully committed connection as well as negative relationship issues beginning to improve.

Tarot Card Draw #2: The Empress, reversed

The overall prevailing message behind The Empress reversed in a daily Tarot draw is femininity, grace and poise. She is also an excellent mix of masculine and feminine energies and qualities for both men and women. For individuals who identify as a real man’s man, The Empress reversed will show up urging you to be more in touch with your feminine side and with such things as your emotions and the more caring and compassionate side of yourself. You are or will soon be facing a situation in which you must rely on a balance of energies to see things through successfully. The Empress reversed may also be showing up to bring your attention to a rather serious imbalance around you such as putting the betterment of others above your own and quite possibly to your own detriment. You may have found yourself in a rather oppressive or draining emotional situation and need to regain your faculties and restore balance between head and heart to get out of it. This reversed lady may also be trying to get you to see how you may well be neglecting persons or situations important to you. A rather key indicator of The Empress reversed is how you have recently come to see yourself as possibly being less-than or undeserving; it is entirely possible you do not fully grasp your worth as a person or your own beauty, grace, intelligence. For those struggling in personal relationships, The Empress reversed will show up in a daily draw to bring your attention to the fact you are very likely not allowing the world to see you for who you truly are or to see your true colors. This is especially fitting in the obsession so very many people have with social media and how it is all too easy for us to put on one face for all the world to see while, in reality, we do not truly embody that persona at all. This kind of deception will tremendously work against you if you are seeking a truly fulfilling and long-lasting romantic connection. Do not ever pretend to be someone you are not. That is a surefire recipe for disaster.

Tarot Card Draw #3: Four of Pentacles, reversed

If you see reversed Four of Pentacles in your daily draw, it is time to let go of an old, possibly outdated mindset. It is time to release anything and anyone that has become toxic to you, your life and more importantly your future. Stop holding on to the past and work to shake off all the “junk” and to move forward into brighter, more fulfilling situations and relationships. Basically, clear out the old to make way for the new. Be careful that you maintain a good balance in the process and that you do not go against the age old saying, “Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water.” On the flipside, Four of Pentacles reversed may turn up for you to bring your attention to loss of something significant through your own recklessness such as gambling or taking silly chances; being reckless. As well, it could be warning you to fully release the need and desire to be so controlling of others in every area of your life. Adopt a more open and tolerant view, but again, take no silly chances. Reversed Four of Pentacles can be an excellent indicator in terms of love and romance. This card speaks of releasing old fears and baggage in order to establish healthier love connections. If you have been single for a while, this card will turn up to let you know it is time to get out and meet new people, make yourself available for love. It also heralds that the time has come to give yourself closure on past loves as you will most likely not ever get it any other way. You must now firmly put the past in the past and leave it there. When it comes to career and finance, Four of Pentacles reversed is a stern warning to always act with scruples and solid, upstanding morals lest you fail miserably and in a very public way. Reversed Four of Pentacles is also a very strong warning against falling for get-rich-quick schemes, but more importantly, against attempting to scam others out of their own hard-earned money.

Considering getting a tarot card reading? We have carefully screened and selected a range of gifted, compassionate tarot readers to provide clarity and new insights into your life. Online readers available 24/7.

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