Choose Your Tarot Card
Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.
Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for today that carries your journey with it.
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Tarot Card Draw #1: Page of Cups, reversed
The Page of Cups reversed may show up in a daily Tarot draw for a person who often gives in deeply to flights of fantasy, is constantly acting out in an effort to draw attention to themselves or who is quite overly dramatic in order to bring their attention to any of these obsessive and extremely negative behaviors. No one likes a drama queen or someone who is constantly trying to steal the spotlight. That gets old real quick and the person engaging in such behaviors will very soon find themselves alone and extremely lonely. Among other indicators of the reversed Page of Cups are disappointment, sorrow, heartache, obsession, jealousy and vindicative behaviors. For people dealing with overwhelming emotional issues such as deep wounds, mental and emotional abuse and flat-out emotional instability, this card will show up in an effort to bring their attention to the fact they need to seek professional help before things get any worse. Other negativities highlighted by reversed Page of Cups are sexual abuse either to you or someone close to you as well as promiscuous behaviors or possibly some deep emotional wounds rising to the surface. For singles seeking love for whom this card shows up, it is a warning to be very careful about investing time, energy and effort in someone who does not share your desires or interest. Also, if someone seems too good to be true, they most likely are.
Tarot Card Draw #2: The Star, reversed
Quite often, The Star reversed may turn up for individuals who refuse to take responsibility for their own words or actions and are always choosing to deflect and blame others or shine the negativity spotlight on someone else. This card may show up in a daily draw for you if you have been acting in an overly negative way or giving in to thoughts of hopelessness, maybe some negative words or actions from your past are, or soon will be, coming back to haunt you. It is possible you have lost your zest for life and are allowing yourself to give in to the darkness and negativity which will greatly hamper any chance you have of moving forward into better circumstances. The Star reversed is not necessarily an overly negative card or a card of foreboding, rather it is showing up to serve as a wake-up call. It is here to bring your attention to some of your own deeply negative thoughts, feelings, words or actions. Check yourself and be sure you are always acting in your own betterment, as well as that of others. It is a glaring signal that you need to be taking full responsibility for your own negative words and actions. Alternatively, you may be feeling overwhelmed, anxious or losing hope. You may have recently bitten off more than you can chew and are beginning to see the negative ramifications. For those who have suffered past traumas, The Star reversed is telling you now is the time to face them and deal with them, but always, always keep in mind there are resources available to help you. Never, NEVER be too afraid or too ashamed to ask for help. If things are too overwhelming for you, take baby steps, set small goals for yourself and gradually work your way up. An example, those suffering with deep pain from a significant loss may need to take life literally one hour at a time and slowly work up from there to making it from breakfast to lunch and so on. Do not push yourself too hard but do push yourself to try and help yourself. Again, seek outside assistance if need be.
Tarot Card Draw #3: Page of Swords
Swords are a suit of the mind, mental preparedness, planning, considerable forethought, inspiration, setting goals. With the Page of Swords showing up in a daily draw for you, it may be signaling that you need to step back a space or two and think everything all the way through before acting. This card speaks of vigilance as well, also avoiding unnecessary arguments/conflicts and to always, always think before you speak. If you are considering a big change in any area of your life and the Page of Swords pops up in your daily draw, this is not the time to act, but rather to lay out your plan of attack thoroughly, giving considerable thought to all possible outcomes in order to achieve success. This card may also turn up for you telling you now is the time to step up for others who may be suffering unfair circumstances and are struggling with injustice in some way. Also, always speak with full truth and be direct in expressing yourself lest there be any misunderstandings. The Page of Swords is also a card of mental accomplishments, achieving high marks in school, being quick-witted or constantly questioning everything around them and always interested in seeking out the truth. Mediators embody the messages behind the Page of Swords. When it comes to matters of the heart, the Page of Swords warns to not allow yourself to get caught up in petty or ridiculous arguments. Pick your battles and stand your ground only on the absolute most important things and never allow the silly stuff to come between you. Singles need to expend a good bit more effort at seeking out the right kind of partner, if they so desire one.
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