Tough choice: Yale or Stanford?
Most high school students are facing a tough choice when applying for University. They pick one that is closest to their heart (or home), and then hope for the best. What happens when someone can’t decide? Well, they apply for more, broadening their options. On very rare occasions, they gain admission. To all of the prestigious schools they apply to.
That’s exactly what happened to Ifeoma White-Thorpe, a New Jersey teenager. All she knew when thinking about her future was that she wanted a career in global health. As all of the major universities had an excellent biology department, she applied to all of them.
That wasn’t the most amazing thing that happened though. Acceptance letters started coming in soon after, making Ifeoma one of the happiest (and rarest) teenagers in the US. Eight letters sent out, eight letters of acceptance received. From Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Princeton, just to name a few. Even one of these would make one’s head spin, let alone eight?
Although Ifeoma thought that her initial decision was the toughest of them all, she was wrong. Now eight of the most prestigious universities are waiting for her reply. An interesting turn of events, that’s for sure.
Ifeoma is student government president at Morris Hills High School in Rockaway. Whichever place she choses to go, they will probably be lucky to have her. Although she won’t make history, not being the first student who got accepted to the elites. Her achievement is already remarkable, nonetheless. Who knows, maybe she will become the modern Marie Curie.
Ifeoma is student government president at Morris Hills High School in Rockaway. Whichever place she choses to go, they will probably be lucky to have her. Although she won’t make history, not being the first student who got accepted to the elites. Her achievement is already remarkable, nonetheless. Who knows, maybe she will become the modern Marie Curie.
Let’s ask the cards to see what’s in store for this young talent.
Psychic Timea’s Verdict:
Two of Swords:
This card represents Ifeoma’s present state of indecision. The choice she has to make isn’t easy, but she needs to do it anyway. However, she can only delay it for that long. She needs to look deep within and weigh all her options.
Two of Pentacles: Remaining flexible is key for her right now. This turn of events will prepare her for further choices she has to make later. Change is inevitable and she will find her inner balance and get through it. Her journey has just begun.
Two of Wands:
She will need to step outside of her comfort zone and start discovering the world. Patience and focus are key to success. There is a creative spark in the air and she will build on that and create amazing things.
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