Choose Your Tarot Card
Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.
Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for today that carries your journey with it.
Tarot Card Draw #1: The Emperor, reversed
The Emperor reversed often indicates an older or very mature person in a position of authority with a strong masculine energy who may be incredibly bossy and controlling. This person has allowed the power to go to their head and they wield that power without mercy. This card could also be talking of someone who is actually trying to help others but is not aware of how they come off as being authoritarian or judgmental because they are not aware of how they presents himself to others. They do not understand that to help someone, you need to speak with gentleness and express an understanding mindset. No one has ever brought to this person’s attention how gruff and harsh they come across. Do not be afraid to buck this person’s authority; however, you must do so in an objective manner and be more pragmatic. The Emperor reversed may also come up for you if you’ve been struggling with an important male role model who let you down in a very big way at some point in your life. Maybe you are just now trying to get closure, or this person may have recently reached out to you. If you have been dealing with a questionable paternity situation, you may draw The Emperor reversed. He may also be speaking of you allowing your heart to overrule your head as you’ve been given to some rather erratic emotions of late. This regal gentleman being reversed may also be coming up for you as a sign that you need more structure in your life and quite possibly that your energies are very scattered at the moment. When it comes to finances, this reversed chap talks of your finances out of control and how you must get a handle on them lest you find yourself in a very bad situation with little to no money to cover your monthly expenses. For those in the workplace who feel they have been caught up in an oppressive situation, a poorly ran work situation or maybe you just simply do not like your job, The Emperor reversed is urging you to step up and make a change. Possibly a big change. For those of you who are seeking answers on a current romantic relationship, this card may turn up for you speaking of conflict, a lack of fulfillment, imbalance of power or just plain old unhappiness. As for the controlling partner, this person may be trying to wield complete power over you such as needing to know where you are and what you are doing at ALL TIMES when the two of you are not together. This person may control who you are allowed to have as friends and which people you encounter throughout your day that you are allowed to talk to, this partner is also incredibly stubborn and believe that their way is the ONLY way. If any of that applies to you, then it is high time to either restore or establish a much more equally balanced relationship or get the heck out of there. Either way, major action needs to take place and now.
Tarot Card Draw #2: Ten of Cups
Ten of Cups is a great card to pull for your daily draw as it speaks of genuine happiness and quite a few other wonderfully positive aspects of life. This card also speaks of truly happy families and taking care of those for whom you care. When you draw Ten of Cups, you may find that the positive energies all around you have, or are, becoming a great deal more powerful. It talks of true friends within your inner circle as well as how you are so incredibly blessed. Now is the time to cash in on your good fortune and embrace the lighter side of life as well as making the best of your hard work and efforts in your professional life and command what you deserve. You may find that your history, resume and/or reputation speak for themselves in your professional life. For the more creative types, your creativeness is now at an all-time high so take advantage of it in the most productive way possible. For you romantic types, the Ten of Cups is a positively amazing card to pull as it speaks of long-term, possibly lifetime commitments, as well as true happiness being found in your current romantic life. This card also talks of children being brought into a great union and quite possibly former romantic partners as well as geographically distant partners being reunited. Singles, “The One” may be just around the corner. When it comes to work matters, the Ten of Cups heralds great success and receiving attention and/or accolades for your hard work. It speaks of a calm and supportive work situation. For anyone who may be seeking new employment, especially those who may be unemployed, the Ten of Cups is coming up to tell you there are opportunities waiting in the wings to come your way if you are more focused in your search. Financially, the Ten of Cups is a great omen that speaks of good luck, increase, surprising money as well as abundance in your life. If not now, it will be heading your way very soon.
Tarot Card Draw #3: Ten of Pentacles, reversed
For anyone drawing the Ten of Pentacles reversed, you will need something incredibly positive to hang on to as you are about to enter a rather dark place in your personal life and quite possibly your professional life as well. This card heralds instability, dishonesty, lack of support, overly negative family situations and possibly in-fighting regarding a will or inheritance. Reversed Ten of Pentacles may also be heralding some kind of loss in your life be it a job, relative, friend or whatever, the period surrounding this particular loss may possibly make or break you in some area of your life. I am sensing strongly that you will all be quite successful as you try to help other people work through their own trauma. You will both benefit greatly from this other person sharing their stories and experiences. As far as relationships go, reversed Ten of Cups is not a great, or even good, card to draw as it is foretelling of instability, insecurity and quite possibly divorce for a few of you. This card is all about someone who is striving for material gain through their one-sided romantic connection as well as neglecting their partner for other successes such as business/professional.
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