Choose Your Tarot Card
Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.
Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for today that carries your journey with it.
Tarot Card Draw #1: King of Pentacles
The King of Pentacles is an excellent card to have for your daily tarot draw. Some of you who have selected this card for the draw today are in store for a very affluent time when you will feel secure and will no longer have to worry about making ends meet. You will be able to comfortably afford your expenses as well as be able to accumulate savings. Your family and home life will be very positive since the stress of financial burdens will be alleviated. If you and your partner have been arguing over finances, the arguing will begin to subside soon. Some of you will have the ability to quit your day job or even a second job you were pushing yourself to do just to pay your bills on time. Some of you will be engaged and then married to a very stable person which will greatly upgrade your lifestyle. Others of you will be moving into a work position where you hold much authority and get to exhibit your leadership skills. This is a time of feeling proud of yourself and your accomplishments. You may find yourself reminiscing on the past and truly realizing just how far you have come on your journey. Expressing gratitude at this time will allow the abundance to continuously find its way to you with ease. Always be grateful and give thanks for any and all good (some great or even awesome) things in your life. Another small suggestion, sock away some of that extra dinero for a special plan you may have or come to have for your future.
Tarot Card Draw #2: Ace of Pentacles
Choosing the Ace of Pentacles for your daily tarot draw is indicating guaranteed success when it comes to your manifestations. Some of you have knowingly and unknowingly been manifesting a great reward. Something will be coming into fruition much sooner than you had ever expected and this will bring you much contentment. This reward of some sort is well deserved on your behalf. This is your good karma coming into play. You’ve been doing something right. If you’re the kind of person who is always a helping hand and genuinely gives to others with no ulterior motives, the divine has chosen to bless you for all you do. Some will be receiving a large lump sum of money that will help you to establish the next chapter in your life. This money might be used towards a new home, a new vehicle or even paying for school. Having this money will help you to remove a huge obstacle you’ve been burdened with. This offer will make you very happy, especially since you were almost ready to give up. It is very important for you to remember that this blessing is given to you specifically to assist with your elevation. Do not take it for granted or misuse it. Do not take this opportunity for granted or throw it away as it may not come around again for quite some time. Having a great deal of discipline at this time will be beneficial to keeping you on the right track with a clear path.
Tarot Card Draw #3: King of Wands, reversed
For those who chose the King of Wands in the reversed position as your daily tarot draw you are choosing to opt out of unhealthy and toxic situations. Some of you are choosing to drop a friend group or even family members who you feel may be holding you back or not acting in your highest good. You are feeling like these people do not reflect the life you would like to have for yourself. You may be tired of confrontation and feeling the need to constantly defend yourself. Some are getting rid of a partner who can’t seem to stop cheating and seeking validation outside of the relationship. You feel as if you are not respected and continue to be underestimated and overlooked. Removing these unhealthy energies from your life will allow you to move forward with clarity and rid yourself of distractions. You will begin to chase your own passions without feeling bound. You will instantaneously notice the difference in your reality and your ability to stay focused once you invite new positive energy into your life. Take advantage of the swing of positive vibes while you can. Choosing to embrace it will allow you to go tremendously far in all you do. Simplifying your life and prioritizing yourself will do you much good.
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