Choose Your Tarot Card

Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.


Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for today that carries your journey with it.






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Tarot Card Draw #1: The Hanged Man

One of the most basic and obvious meanings of The Hanged Man is indecision or being stuck in limbo. If this card turns up for you in a daily tarot draw, it may be indicating that you need to step back and try to remove yourself from the situation in order to look at things more objectively so you can make the best possible decision for yourself. By stepping outside yourself or the situation, things will eventually become more clear to you. This card will turn up if you are facing a dilemma or a tenuous, unsure situation. Another situation that The Hanged Man could be bringing your attention to is one that you are not happy with or is not at all satisfying to you. It is possible you are feeling trapped or stuck in quicksand and unable to change this situation for whatever reason. You may need to simply let go completely and just walk away for your own good. The Hanged Man may also turn to bring your attention to an overly negative or indecisive frame of mind or just a very limited way of thinking. You are not able to see the bigger picture. While seeking counsel, guidance or advice from others may help, ultimately you must act in your own best interest and make the decision for yourself. Take what others say about your situation for what it’s worth and just do what is best for you in the end. It is also possible that The Hanged Man would turn up in your daily draw to bring your attention to a situation that is not working out as you had planned and that some adjustments or changes need to be made. Alternatively, The Hanged Man may be coming up to tell you that you need to stop trying to be so controlling of another person or situation and simply allow things to work out as they will on their own in due time.

Tarot Card Draw #2: Two of Swords

If you have recently been struggling with a big decision or one lay before you that may leave you in somewhat of a state of denial or avoidance, the Two of Swords may turn up for you in a daily draw. This card warns that you are consciously or subconsciously trying to avoid making a decision for a number of reasons. The decision may be quite big and potentially have adverse affects you simply do not want to deal with. You could be in denial about the potential that lay ahead. This card often speaks of one acting as an ostrich who simply sticks his or head in the sand to avoid certain issues. The decision before you may be stressful, difficult or painful and come with consequences you simply want to avoid at whatever costs. But the Two of Swords encourages you to find a way to compromise and simply make the best of it. It is time to call a truce when dealing with difficult persons be it professionally or personally. You could be at a major crossroads in your life or a stalemate on an important issue. This card also says it is time to face your fears and work to move forward. You could be caught up in a battle of loyalties or having to choose between two major professional opportunities, possibly you have been involved in two separate romantic situations and the time has come to make a difficult choice. The Two of Swords could indicate being caught in the middle or possibly being called upon to play mediator or help facilitate a compromise between opposing forces. Alternatively, the Two of Swords may turn up when you are allowing yourself to be blinded by the facts. Possibly you are unwilling or unable to see things from any other perspective than your own. Lastly, you may be choosing to avoid difficult emotions or the truth of a major matter.

Tarot Card Draw #3: Five of Wands, reversed

Reversed Five of Wands turning up in your daily tarot draw speaks all about conflicts, fights, major disagreements, confrontation and all other kinds of opposition both beginning and ending, depending upon your current situation. If you have been at odds with someone of late, reversed Five of Wands may be popping up to let you know the end is near and things will soon calm down and be settled between you. Alternatively, if things have been going rather well for you with no outward conflicts with anyone in your energies and this card turns up for you, strap on your big kid boots and know that some kind of conflict or opposition may be nigh. Please know that these situations will not be the same for everyone drawing this card for their day, rather it could be showing up if you have been struggling against someone at work or in your personal life such as a brown-nosing coworker or one who is always trying to throw someone under the bus in order to make themselves look good or a really bad neighbor, store clerk, etc., who will soon be on the way out of your energy. The Five of Wands reversed also talks of compromise, mutually beneficial agreements, cooperating with others for the betterment of all involved as well as a more peaceful overall existence. This card is also a red flag for anyone who has found themselves in an abusive home or romantic situation that it is time to seek out resources for your escape. Things have very likely gotten out of hand without you even realizing it and reversed Five of Wands is showing up to guide you toward finding a constructive way to stand up for yourself and get help to get out.

Considering getting a tarot card reading? We have carefully screened and selected a range of gifted, compassionate tarot readers to provide clarity and new insights into your life. Online readers available 24/7.



Having attained Master Level at Mediumship, Tarot, Energy Work and general Psychic Readings, Tamara (Tami) has a great many years’ experience as a Spiritual Counselor, Psychic, Tarot Reader and Medium also. She is highly skilled at Numerology, Auras, Past Lives and Chakras and can help you determine your own psychic abilities; she is remarkably adept at simple questions as well as those most in-depth. As an award-winning writer with more than 45 years’ experience, Tamara (Tami) has provided original works to 7thsense on various subjects and writes the Daily Tarot Draw.

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