Choose Your Tarot Card
Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.
Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for the week that carries your journey with it.
Contentment and genuine happiness is something that most each of us are always working to attain, as is security in our finances. Having a good job is something that many people pray for, especially right now with all of the economic ramifications of the current global pandemic. No matter what your work or business status may be, I believe that something bigger and better awaits you and you just need to seek it out. But I never advise or encourage anyone to leave one job until they have fully secured a new one. That is especially true in these uncertain times and is made evident through our tarot cards for today. Each of which came up reversed which urges patience as the timing simply is not right for any work/business changes
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Tarot Card Draw #1: Page of Pentacles
On the Page of Pentacles, we see a young man clutching a pentacle to his chest with his eyes closed as if in contemplation. He may be contemplating how far he has come as is evident by the many hills behind him which are indicative of struggle and overcoming obstacles. Our young man may also be contemplating where to go from here or how much further he has to go to reach his goal. This will all be determined by what is going on in your life, specifically. If you are looking to make a change in any area of your life, you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed which is what this card speaks of when reversed as it fell for you today. You are encouraged to step back, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths then look forward more objectively. Know that with some focused effort and hard work, anything is possible. If you have been considering starting your own business, partnering with someone or doing some consulting work, this card in the reversed position says that the time is not quite right. You need to do more research and be better informed as to the demand or interest of what you have to offer as well as how best to promote what you have to offer and reach new and different clientele. If you have been desiring to make a change in your current job, the reversed Page of Pentacles urges you to do a deep dive to see what other opportunities are available to you. Do not limit yourself. With the vast hills behind our young man, you are reminded of just how far you have come and that you have the potential to only continue going forward and progressing.
Tarot Card Draw #2: Death
The Death card is not to be taken lightly, but know that when coming up in a tarot spread, it rarely indicates the actual death of someone. At times, it does, but this card also reminds us that the only true guarantee in life is death. This is made evident by Death looming so large over the three figures before him, one of whom is offering a gift of a flower to Death while the other two look to be pleading with Death. There are times when death is a welcomed release for those who have been suffering. But in a tarot spread, death usually is an indicator of some new and positive things to come. Death quite literally means a falling away of the old and the bringing in of the new. If looking to make any positive changes in your life, the reversed Death card says that the time is not quite right for that to happen. Do not let this reversed card discourage you, just know that something much better awaits you and will come your way soon. This applies to all areas of your life from personal connections to home to work, etc. The two figures pleading with Death know that he can bring goodness into their lives and they are hoping for the best. The figure presenting Death with a gift is grateful for the stripping away of the negative situation which has been replaced with positive.
Tarot Card Draw #3: Five of Cups
The Fool card shows a figure seemingly oblivious to the fact he is about to step off of a cliff into the unknown. But this card also evokes the thought of faith and knowing that he will be taken care of as he gazes up to the heavens. He could be looking to the sky for protection and knowing that he will be taken care of through his own faith in a higher power. With the card falling reversed for you today, it urges you to not take any unnecessary chances right now, especially when it comes to your work or regular source of income. The timing of this card being reversed could not be any better as so many countries around the globe are in economic crisis and jobs are scarce. While I always encourage everyone to continually keep their options open for something bigger and better, this is not the time to let go of one job in pursuit of another unless you have fully secured a new job. The Fool, reversed, urges caution and clear thought rather than simply taking action on faith. Having faith is always the best way to proceed through life, but then again, so is exercising your common sense.
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