Choose Your Tarot Card
Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.
Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for today that carries your journey with it.
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Tarot Card Draw #1: Page of Pentacles, reversed
On the Page of Pentacles, we see a young man clutching a pentacle to his chest with his eyes closed as if in contemplation. He may be contemplating how far he has come as is evident by the many hills behind him which are indicative of struggle and overcoming obstacles. Our young man may also be contemplating where to go from here or how much further he has to go to reach his goal. This will all be determined by what is going on in your life, specifically. If you are looking to make a change in any area of your life, you may be feeling a bit overwhelmed which is what this card speaks of when reversed as it fell for you today. You are encouraged to step back, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths then look forward more objectively. Know that with some focused effort and hard work, anything is possible. If you have been considering starting your own business, partnering with someone or doing some consulting work, this card in the reversed position says that the time is not quite right. You need to do more research and be better informed as to the demand or interest of what you have to offer as well as how best to promote what you have to offer and reach new and different clientele. If you have been desiring to make a change in your current job, the reversed Page of Pentacles urges you to do a deep dive to see what other opportunities are available to you. Do not limit yourself. With the vast hills behind our young man, you are reminded of just how far you have come and that you have the potential to only continue going forward and progressing.
Tarot Card Draw #2: The Empress
The Empress card usually speaks on matters of femininity, motherhood, compassion, pregnancy and your own nurturing side. Each, as always, will be determined by the other cards in a full reading while in a daily draw, it depends upon the current circumstances in your life. For men who get The Empress in a daily draw, it is encouraging them to be a bit more compassionate in dealing with difficult people; maybe try to see things a bit more from the other person’s viewpoint as well as work to improve the communication with your own children. Also, it could come up during struggles with younger people, especially his own children. Be more patient, compassionate and understanding. For a woman of child-bearing age, it may herald pregnancy. It also may come up encouraging you to be more in touch with your own children … be a bit more open, patient and understanding. For any person (male or female) getting this card in a daily draw, it may mean that you very much need to get in touch with your own intuition and pay more attention to what your own spirit guides are saying directly to you. Trust your gut feeling. If you are not a parent and that is not a concern of yours at this time, this card may turn up for you encouraging you to be more in touch with your softer side and explore your emotions and inner feelings. Lastly, The Empress will turn up indicating people will be feeling drawn to you as they are seeking your compassion, understanding and simply how you make them feel comfortable, understood and safe.
Tarot Card Draw #3: Ten of Swords
Among the varied dark and negative situations indicated by the Ten of Swords is quite often depression. In a daily draw, it could be a warning of a dark, oppressive time ahead for you. When doing a tarot reading focusing on someone close to you, it may come up as a warning to be extra mindful of that person’s emotional and mental states. Unfortunately, the Ten of Swords is never a good card to draw in any reading but especially in your daily draw. (I’m sorry.) Some of the negative situations the Ten of Swords may be trying to bring your attention to would be people talking harshly behind your back as well as serious betrayal or backstabbing by someone you thought was an advocate of yours or someone you trust. There may be an enemy in your midst. This card also speaks of bitterness, utter failure, complete ruin, harsh or difficult endings and cutting ties or the final goodbye. The Ten of Swords may also herald the ending of a relationship. There are severe mental and emotional implications behind the Ten of Swords other than depression as well such as a nervous breakdown, the inability to cope with a specific situation or anxiety. Physically, the Ten of Swords could be speaking of chronic fatigue or exhaustion. You may be sinking to rock bottom, hitting a brick wall or getting caught up in a dead-end situation or relationship. When speaking of a person, the Ten of Swords can indicate someone playing the victim, a drama queen (or king), one who is given to extreme exaggeration, someone seeking attention at any cost or someone trying to take on the role of martyr. And finally, the Ten of Swords may indicate that you have fallen victim to a curse, hex or the evil eye. It can also forewarn of violence or some kind of physical attack against you.
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Thanks for that