Choose Your Tarot Card
Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.
Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for today that carries your journey with it.
Quite often, the choices we make affect others around us either directly or indirectly. Sometimes making those choices is simply too difficult and we may go out of our way to avoid making them. Each of these is the case in our daily draw for today.
Rarely will any major decision impact only our own lives and sometimes the pressure is just too much. But life is really only a series of choices for any adult of sound mind and we are often tasked with making tough calls. We must be objective and always work to turn any adverse decision around to benefit ourselves and those around us.
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Tarot Card Draw #1: Two of Swords
If you have recently been struggling with a big decision or one lay before you that may leave you in somewhat of a state of denial or avoidance, the Two of Swords may turn up for you in a daily draw. This card warns that you are consciously or subconsciously trying to avoid making a decision for a number of reasons. The decision may be quite big and potentially have adverse affects you simply do not want to deal with. You could be in denial about the potential that lay ahead. This card often speaks of one acting as an ostrich who simply sticks his or head in the sand to avoid certain issues. The decision before you may be stressful, difficult or painful and come with consequences you simply want to avoid at whatever costs. But the Two of Swords encourages you to find a way to compromise and simply make the best of it. It is time to call a truce when dealing with difficult persons be it professionally or personally. You could be at a major crossroads in your life or a stalemate on an important issue. This card also says it is time to face your fears and work to move forward. You could be caught up in a battle of loyalties or having to choose between two major professional opportunities, possibly you have been involved in two separate romantic situations and the time has come to make a difficult choice. The Two of Swords could indicate being caught in the middle or possibly being called upon to play mediator or help facilitate a compromise between opposing forces. Alternatively, the Two of Swords may turn up when you are allowing yourself to be blinded by the facts. Possibly you are unwilling or unable to see things from any other perspective than your own. Lastly, you may be choosing to avoid difficult emotions or the truth of a major matter.
Tarot Card Draw #2: Four of Cups
Occasionally, the Four of Cups will turn up for you in a daily draw or tarot spread indicating you have either lost touch with reality or are in danger of doing so. It is possible you have convinced yourself that everyone around you has life so much easier than you as you are constantly struggling. You may be thinking that life on the other side would be so much sweeter and better, yet all you need do to have a better life is expend a little effort. Yet your current mindset is preventing you from seeing what you can accomplish if you just set your mind to it. You have become disillusioned with your own life. It is possible you are allowing yourself to get lost in thoughts of the past and possibly holding a more idealized view of how things really were. You could be caught up in a fantasy world and giving in to frequent daydreaming. The Four of Cups often indicates you have allowed yourself to simply give in to a negative way of thinking. The negative is easier. It is the path of least resistance. It is also the path with the least reward. The path of the lazy person who expects everyone else to do the work rather than working hard and earning/manifesting what you most desire. You have become bored. Possibly you have lost your motivation or zeal for life choosing to simply sit on the sidelines as life passes you by. The Four of Cups could also indicate missed opportunities. Alternatively, it can turn up to bring your attention to feelings you may be experiencing of loss, regret and remorse. It is possible you have become lost within yourself due to the overwhelming negative thoughts or even depression. Lastly, getting the Four of Cups could be turning up for you to help you be more open to any new opportunities coming to you. Do not be too quick to dismiss them as you may come to regret not at least giving it (them) more thought. Due to the aforementioned negative thought process, you may not be able to see the potential in these opportunities. Taking a couple of steps back and trying to be more objective, or maybe even discussing the opportunities with a trusted person will help you to be more open to the potential.
Tarot Card Draw #3: Wheel of Fortune (Reversed)
Sometimes, bad things happen to good people. All-too-often, we tend to bring some of those bad things on ourselves through our own poor choices. Such is usually the case when the Wheel of Fortune comes up reversed for you in a daily draw or tarot spread. This card quite often warns of negative and trying times ahead, struggles and big changes that are not for the best. The changes will be quite difficult to adjust to and frequently come along after a time when things may have seemed to be going a little too well. Some people call this a reality check and those more in tune with their core being can usually find a way to ultimately turn the negative back into a positive somehow. Take this opportunity to learn from your mistakes and look more objectively at your life and some of the choices you have been making of late. This sudden change of fortune may make you feel you’re losing control and that The Powers That Be are working against you, it is imperative that you do what needs to be done to regain control of your life and yourself. It is time to own your poor choices and the mistakes you have made. Suck it up, admit you were wrong and turn things around. The sooner, the better. Unless you take ownership and try to rectify the situation, you will not learn the lesson the Universe had for you. This is the time to reap your Karmic reward and learn from your own mistakes. This is an opportunity to better yourself. Seize it. Make the best of it. It is the time to move forward into a bigger and better overall situation for yourself. Embrace the change rather than resist it. The bad times are ultimately what make us who we are, especially when faced with future adversity. While the lessons that come with the reversed Wheel of Fortune are usually quite tough, they are the ones that will stick with us the longest.
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