Choose Your Tarot Card
Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.
Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for today that carries your journey with it.
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Tarot Card Draw #1: Ace of Pentacles, reversed
The Ace of Pentacles coming up reversed for you in a tarot reading can be quite negative and possibly a bit overwhelming as it signifies insecurity, scarcity and depleted resources. Due to these potentially overwhelming conditions, you may find yourself acting in rather uncharacteristic ways, taking chances and pushing the limits. This includes testing the boundaries of the law to get your needs met. You may be acting out of greed or in a miserly fashion choosing to not share or be open to assisting others in any way, despite how bad off they may be … much worse than yourself. It is possible you may be acting this way out of fear that you will not be able to replace or recoup anything you may choose to share. Maybe your attitude is such that no one ever helped you, why should you help someone else. Perhaps you are lacking resources due to poor planning or effort on your own part. Poor budgeting could also be indicated by the Ace of Pentacles, reversed, which means you have more going out than coming in. This card could also represent missed opportunities or lack of opportunities. Also indicated are opportunities, prospects or deals falling through. The reversed Ace of Pentacles speaks of delays, lack of planning and poor control so insure you are putting the work and planning into achieving your goals when it appears.
Tarot Card Draw #2: King of Wands
The King of Wands in your tarot draw indicates heightened energy and drive, which will push you towards achieving your goals rather quickly. You need to take advantage of your time and upbeat attitude as much as possible, as they will work in your advantage. You are finally regaining control over yourself and your life after a period of frustration and helplessness. Be strong, confident, and push forward with great pride. In your romantic life, if you are in a relationship, the King of Wands indicates that your partner is likely someone who is very confident and ambitious, which makes them an excellent and stable partner to keep in your life. You will need to be careful to not be too demanding of their time, as they will definitely ensure you are included but will begin to shy away if they feel as though you are too needy. If you are looking for a relationship, the King of Wands indicates you will soon meet someone who is the confident, ambitious, energetic person mentioned above. This person is the ideal partner, and will prove to be an excellent addition in your life. Ensure you allow them the proper space to fulfill their other obligations and keep the necessary balance in their own life, and they will ensure you always feel included and appreciated. In your career, the King of Wands indicates your career is going well, and you are making excellent progress towards your long term goals. You feel very comfortable and secure in your career, and need to keep pushing forward at the same pace. Always ensure you keep a balance in your life, and do not let your career overshadow your personal life or relationships.
Tarot Card Draw #3: Temperance, reversed
Temperance, reversed, could turn up for you in your daily draw to bring your attention to some negative situations with some people in your life or as a warning of some major headbutting or disagreements with persons with whom you are close. It also speaks of being drawn into other people’s drama. This card is a warning to steer clear and just keep to yourself for a bit. Other warnings of reversed Temperance are that you may have begun to allow yourself to overindulge in selfish and/or self-destructive behaviors such as gambling, consuming too much alcohol, drug use, overeating, shopping to excess or any other number of excessive, harmful habits. Reversed Temperance can also indicate that you have been acting reckless or without giving sufficient thought to the consequences or end result. It is very possible you have lost perspective and are not looking at the big picture. Possibly you have lost touch with your own inner peace and core being. It is also possible you may need to step back and take an objective look at your behavior to better understand why you have been engaging in any negative behaviors.
just need to kw is my boyfriend for 4 yrs and 7 mtsi love him so much but just need to i kw in my in my soul but .I have a big soul
Patricia, hon, we have many excellent Readers here at anxious to help you. Each Reader has been tested and proven genuine and to provide high-quality, deeply insightful readings. I encourage you to call one of our amazing Readers or initiate a chat session with one of them.
i have moved on
7th Sense please get a better reader to do daily Tarot cards. The lady Tamara who is currently reading daily Tarot puts a negative spin on every one of them.
Laura, sweetheart, I am quite sorry to see that you feel I put a negative spin on every one, but when a card is speaking of the negative, that must be shared otherwise it would be highly unethical of me to make everything all wine and roses. People need an honest reader so they can know the pitfalls to be looking out for thus they can be prepared. Anytime something is negative, though, I always try to allow for something positive in the end. If you feel I have not been doing that, sweetheart, then I will ABSOLUTELY strive to do a better job.
I approved the posting of your comment myself rather than try to hide it because I tremendously value all feedback and reviews be they good, bad or indifferent, hon.
I greatly appreciate you taking time to read the daily tarot draws, but much more importantly, I VERY MUCH GREATLY appreciate you speaking your peace about them. I assure you that I will be much, much more mindful going forward.
Thank you and blessings,