Tarot Reading

Tuesday Tarot Reading May 9th 2023

Choose Your Tarot Card

Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.


Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for today that carries your journey with it.






Tarot Card Draw #1: Ace of Pentacles, reversed

The Ace of Pentacles coming up reversed for you in a tarot reading can be quite negative and possibly a bit overwhelming as it signifies insecurity, scarcity and depleted resources. Due to these potentially overwhelming conditions, you may find yourself acting in rather uncharacteristic ways, taking chances and pushing the limits. This includes testing the boundaries of the law to get your needs met. You may be acting out of greed or in a miserly fashion choosing to not share or be open to assisting others in any way, despite how bad off they may be … much worse than yourself. It is possible you may be acting this way out of fear that you will not be able to replace or recoup anything you may choose to share. Maybe your attitude is such that no one ever helped you, why should you help someone else. Perhaps you are lacking resources due to poor planning or effort on your own part. Poor budgeting could also be indicated by the Ace of Pentacles, reversed, which means you have more going out than coming in. This card could also represent missed opportunities or lack of opportunities. Also indicated are opportunities, prospects or deals falling through. The reversed Ace of Pentacles speaks of delays, lack of planning and poor control so ensure you are putting the work and planning into achieving your goals when it appears.

Tarot Card Draw #2: Nine of Wands

I don’t know about you, but it seems to me the Nine of Wands has been showing up an awful lot in the Daily Tarot Draw the last few months. Seems maybe someone has not quite gotten the message as yet. Upright, Nine of Wands often indicates that you are feeling drained and listless after an ongoing battle. You do not see an end in sight and are ready to accept defeat and move on. However, the end is closer than you realize, and you need to keep pushing just a little while longer. Do not give up yet, and you will be greatly rewarded for your determination. In your romantic life, if you are in a relationship, the Nine of Wands indicates an ongoing battle with you and your partner, and one or both of you are simply ready to throw in the towel and give up on the relationship. You are struggling with the thought of keeping your relationship with all of the misery and conflict surrounding you, but you will soon experience a smoother road if you are able to stick together a little while longer. If you are looking for a relationship, the Nine of Wands indicates you have been hurt a lot in the past, and this is causing you to have difficulty finding new relationships. You are at a point where you feel as though you will never be worthy, and you might as well just accept loneliness and stop trying. However, you are much closer to a healing point than you realize, so do not give up just yet! You will heal yourself and find an amazing partner very soon! In your career, the Nine of Wands indicates an ongoing struggle you have been experiencing, and feeling as though you are not being appropriately compensated for your efforts. You feel as though you are going nowhere and are ready to give up. However, again, the Nine of Wands also indicates that the end is near, so you need to keep pushing forward just a little while longer.

Tarot Card Draw #3: Six of Wands, reversed

For those with a healthy knowledge about the tarot, seeing the Six of Wands turn up reversed in a reading may cause some distress or at the very least, great disappointment. Among the potential aspects indicated by this card are a lack of achievement, not receiving well-deserved recognition or not having the support or confidence to see a job, project or some other significant situation through to the end. It represents loss and failure; that you may be fighting a losing battle or beating a dead horse. The Six of Wands reversed signifies disadvantage, disgrace, disloyalty, treachery and broken promises. This card may come up for you indicating someone is holding ill will toward you or that you are carrying misdirected ill will toward another. It is possible you have been acting in an egotistical or arrogant manner and have become willing to do anything for your chance in the spotlight. Stop acting like such a diva and always keep in mind that pride cometh before a fall. Alternatively, this card can represent mob mentality, or you are following someone blindly. Lastly, if you have been feeling someone is out to get you and the Six of Wands falls in the reverse position for your daily draw, you may well be right.

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