What Usher Herpes Allegations Teach Us About Sexual Honesty And The Law

A recent lawsuit against Usher has glaringly highlighted the importance of being honest with your sexual partners. According to the CDC, about one in six people aged 14 to 49 has genital herpes, which is incurable but managed with treatment. Pop star Usher is facing a civil lawsuit in California over allegedly exposing multiple former sexual partners to herpes without notifying them beforehand, infecting at least one, according to a complaint. High-profile attorney Lisa Bloom, who is representing the alleged victims, said Monday that her intention was not to shame Usher. Rather, Bloom hopes to stand up for men and women whose sexual partners have not been honest with them. “Everyone, even ordinary people who find themselves swept away by a superstar, has the legal right to be respected, which includes being warned about STDs so that they can make their own choices about their own bodies,” she said in a statement.

Usher reportedly settled a similar suit for $1 million but has never confirmed or denied that he has contracted the virus. Nevertheless, that suit, and this one, have made clear the importance of being honest with your sexual partners, both for health and financial reasons and sometimes to avoid prison time as well. In California, where Bloom filed the lawsuit, it is considered criminal for a person to “willfully” transmit an STD to a partner without that partner’s knowledge. The same goes in most other states across the country and in some cases, whether or not the disease is actually transmitted can be irrelevant. “We’re not going to the police,” Bloom told Newsweek. “We’re filing a civil lawsuit. So, on the simple side, if indeed positive for herpes, he has a duty to warn and he is liable for exposure even if the other person is negative for herpes.” In a civil case, which involves a dispute between private parties, an individual seeks retribution instead of jail time or other consequences associated with a criminal case.

Usher reportedly settled a similar suit for $1 million but has never confirmed or denied that he has contracted the virus. Nevertheless, that suit, and this one, have made clear the importance of being honest with your sexual partners, both for health and financial reasons and sometimes to avoid prison time as well. In California, where Bloom filed the lawsuit, it is considered criminal for a person to “willfully” transmit an STD to a partner without that partner’s knowledge. The same goes in most other states across the country and in some cases, whether or not the disease is actually transmitted can be irrelevant. “We’re not going to the police,” Bloom told Newsweek. “We’re filing a civil lawsuit. So, on the simple side, if indeed positive for herpes, he has a duty to warn and he is liable for exposure even if the other person is negative for herpes.” In a civil case, which involves a dispute between private parties, an individual seeks retribution instead of jail time or other consequences associated with a criminal case.

Herpes Is A Minor And Treatable STD, But There Is No Cure! One Must Be Held Accountable!

Susan Z’s Conclusion:

Usher will surely be paying out several settlements here. If he has a long list of indiscriminate sexual encounters, others may put their big girl panties on and bear the humiliation and embarrassment of coming forward for the cha-ching of a big settlement from Usher.

Queen of Swords:This is a woman with and wanting straight answers, also with scars from the pasts. I believe this represents not only attorney Bloom who is representing these women but also the women themselves.

Strength: This speaks for the women who have come forward. They have been vilified and made fun of in the social media for being too fat for anyone to want to sleep with them, being tramps and gold diggers.

Nine of Pentacles: Inverted (Upside Down)
This is enjoying the success of your labors. Well……since pulled inverted I would say that Usher is now reaping the rewards of his sexual labors in being lax about revealing the health risks involved.


Susan Z Rich is an emotional addiction counsellor, spiritual intuitive and holistic therapist. She counsels others to see life in a more positive way and teaches personal accountability for life choices. She is also the author of several children’s books and Soul Windows … Secrets From The Divine.

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