Reading the Year Ahead for Virgo

A tarotscope is a horoscope that uses tarot cards to guide the astrological divination and help focus it for the reader. Here I’ve pulled three cards to illuminate what’s coming up in 2023 for Virgo.

January to April: Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups shows the year opening on a light-hearted note. Virgos can appreciate the value of a fresh new year, and a fresh new opportunity to retry things they feel they have missed out on before. For those Virgos looking for love, it’s a time to put your best foot forward and let your inner light shine. There is no need to be anyone but who you are. Honesty is always the best policy. So, relax and move out to the social side of life and let the world see what a wonderful catch you are. For those who are happy in relationships, it’s a time to focus on bringing the freshness back to a long-term relationship. Exploring new things together can help build happy memories for the future, and fun for the here and now. So, the first four months of this year, keep things light and focus on your love life and happiness which is something you deserve in abundance.

May to August: Justice

The middle of the year is signified by the Justice card. Virgos are earth signs, who don’t give half efforts in anything. Those around you are always happy to see you in their circle, because you take the stress out of life with a positive attitude. Because of this, you have generally got many good people to depend on when you need some guidance and help. Big changes seem to be in the air for the middle of the year. However, they seem to have a positive note to them. Even though at first we may not see the value of the changes when they are happening, once they settle all will be clear. When you put in a good effort, there is every reason you will get a good reward. Virgos don’t do things by half, so prepare for some happy changes in the mid months of the year.

September to December: Five of Wands

The Five of Wands sees the final four months of the year being a time when targets are high on the agenda. It’s always wise to join forces when you are on a mutual journey, and an early start gives you the gift of time. Virgos like to close the year in style, and with some sense of achievement for the year gone by. There is always a new target tempting you to chase it. This is what keeps the spice of life in the journey for you. So, mixing in groups is advisable for the information which will be shared. Someone could be in possession of information which you need, and you will only find it when you ask. So, communication seems to be the key to a happy path for you in the closing months of the year. Becoming part of a group can be the doorway to some happy changes for Virgos at the end of the year.

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Read more 2023 Tarotscopes:

Aries, read your 2023 horoscope
(March 21-April 19)

Taurus, read your 2023 horoscope
(April 20-May 20)

Gemini, read your 2023 horoscope
(May 21-June 20)

Cancer, read your 2023 horoscope
(June 21-July 22)

Leo, read your 2023 horoscope
(July 23-August 22)

Libra, read your 2023 horoscope
(September 23-October 22)

Scorpio, read your 2023 horoscope
(October 23-November 21)

Sagittarius, read your 2023 horoscope
(November 22-December 21)

Capricorn, read your 2023 horoscope
(December 22-January 19)

Aquarius, read your 2023 horoscope
(January 20 to February 18)

Pisces, read your 2023 horoscope
(February 19 to March 20)


As the 7th Son of a 7th Son, Vincent was born a Psychic, Clairvoyant and Healer according to Irish folklore. For decades, Vincent has used his gifts to help people from all walks of life find clarity, direction and purpose. Now he can help guide you.

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