Walking Dead’s Steven Yeun weds
On December 3rd at what was said to be a very romantic wedding. Steven Yeun married his long-time girlfriend, Joana Parks. Joana (a professional photographer) and Steven Yeun, finally took the big step, surrounded by close friends and family. It’s a particularly romantic time of year to be married, with the holiday season in the air and the new year looming over the horizon. What a wonderful way to start out as Mr and Mrs.
To the Happy Couple Steven and Joanna:
Congratulations on your wedding. You now stand at the doorway of two special things. A new life, and the doorway of a new year. Traditionally, in the northern hemisphere, this season is celebrated as we reach the peak of the winter and the darkness. From here on in, the days grow longer and the sun spends longer hours in the sky, kick-starting the Spring and new life. May your marriage follow the same pattern. From here on in, may it only get lighter and brighter.
Let’s share some cards for your new path in life.
The Queen of Cups:
This is the card of deep emotion. She can represent a Mother figure, but also an overwhelming emotional shift. The kind that could lead you to the change as it has. She is also about nurturing this love and helping it to grow from strength to strength. There is a feeling of excitement in the air. An excitement about the future and what it can bring. The energy of the time of year is perfect for what a marriage needs for it to grow.
The Nine of Cups:
This card is normally a maternal card. Well, we will just have to wait and see if you decide to surprise us with any little new additions by this time next year. The Cups are emotions, love and all things good. The nine would represent a period of time. Well, you don’t have to be a card reader to add two and two together, but this is for you decide. If there is one thing I always advise, it is that the future is always in your hands and delivered through your actions.
The Fool Card:
Stepping into the unknown or taking a chance. Well, this is the path of many marriages, but you two have been together for a while now. So, you know each other well. Even so, marriage offers a new window into each other’s lives. Many people will say they thought they knew each other until they got married. Then they realised so many new things about each other, but this is the card of taking chances. So well done.
Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict.
The bonding of two souls is always a good thing. You chose the perfect time of year to enter this marriage, as you can new start the new year with your new life. The Cards are very much in favour of a family. The timing is yours to choose, but my psychic hunch is that you will not be waiting around very long. Perhaps this time next year, we will have another story to write about your family. Either way, we wish you both every happiness on your journey through life together, from all here at 7th Sense Psychics.
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