Choose Your Tarot Card
Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.
Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for today that carries your journey with it.
Tarot Card Draw #1: Queen of Cups
A key red flag when the Queen of Cups turns up for you in a daily draw may be that you need to be a bit more mindful of how you may be treating others. She is signaling that you may have been a bit insensitive toward someone or somewhat quick to react to someone in a negative way thus bringing that person some kind of emotional pain, anxiety or even embarrassment. Always be mindful of how you treat other people. Try to exude more empathy and compassion. On the flipside, it very well may be you who has been hurt by the words or actions of another person. Quite often, this lovely lady may fall for you if you have been struggling with some heavy emotional and mental stuff and have been taking things quite personally of late. She will turn up to tell you to try very hard to not allow others to make you feel any kind of way you do not desire to feel. Eleanor Roosevelt said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” The Queen of Cups also speaks of someone getting lost in daydreaming and possessing a tremendous imagination. She will sometimes pop up to speak of a person who is rather mature for their age and incredibly feminine (female or male) and who is incredibly caring, kind and always provides unconditional support. This person possesses a very kind and gentle soul, is affectionate, compassionate and always quite warm, inviting and loving. They will make an excellent partner and/or friend, often for life. This beautiful Queen also talks of artistic abilities and natural creativity as well as the ability to learn new forms of expressing yourself creatively. For those desiring a new romance, the Queen of Cups will turn up indicating now is the perfect time to get out and meet some new people. Persons already in a relationship need to work very hard to always, always be completely open and honest with your partner and that excellent communication is the key to success of your relationship.
Tarot Card Draw #2: King of Pentacles
The King of Pentacles is an amazing card to turn up for those working to achieve something or for anyone who has a long-held desire for advancement or achievement. Your hard work will very soon be paying off be it professionally, academically, any kind of competitive situation and even social standing. For those who are working to better themselves in any way such as academically, physically or trying to learn new skills to advance professionally, this amazing royal gentleman is yelling that now is the time. You will not have such an opportune time like this again for a while so jump on it. Use this time to your full advantage as amazing things lay ahead for you through your own focused and determined efforts. If you are taking this daily draw in reference to a particular man or even a masc fem, This King speaks of a person on whom you can most definitely rely. This individual about whom you are inquiring is a generous person yet very careful with their money. A hard worker, loyal to all persons in their life, stable and secure. If you have children and are wondering about this person, the most important thing you need to know is that they are incredibly patient and very much a family person. They will make the time for something/someone whom they consider important. For those in an existing romantic relationship, The King of Pentacles signals that your efforts to solidify your relationship have paid off and you and your partner are now at a time when you can relax and enjoy each other. Never stop trying to show your love and doing the little things that make everyone happy, but you can see that your relationship is in a very good, secure place. Do not become complacent but enjoy what it has taken to get to where you are now. With regard to work/career matters, the King of Pentacles is a fantastic omen of things to come. You are, or very soon will be, receiving your just reward. All of your hard work professionally will soon payoff and in a big and possibly surprising way. This is a good time for investing, as well. If you have any doubts or questions about work, money, business, this is an excellent time to seek assistance and guidance as it will be quite sound and fruitful for you.
Tarot Card Draw #3: Eight of Cups
The Eight of Cups, upright, shows us a lost and broken woman choosing to walk away from the opportunities represented by the neatly stacked wine chalices behind her as well as the full moon which could potentially light the way for her. This card quite literally speaks of the many choices each of us has but are often oblivious to. She could expend the effort to turn around, climb the stairs to opportunities and a better, more positive and fulfilling life. Instead, she is choosing the easier path – the path of least resistance — thus leading to negativity, disappointment and despair. Sometimes opportunity is just behind us and all we need do is choose to turn and look. This card showing up for you today is urging you to open your eyes wide and look all around for untapped opportunities and potential. At times, you may be holding yourself back due to self-limiting beliefs. Shake those off and know that pretty much anything is possible with the right mindset. I often hear from people asking when something good is going to happen in their lives. My answer is always the same: Something good will happen when you make it happen. Be more proactive and take charge of your own life. Make something good happen. Turn around and let the full moon lead you out of the darkness.
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