Choose Your Tarot Card
Here is your interactive tarot reading for today. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy.
Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for today that carries your journey with it.
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Tarot Card Draw #1: Nine of Cups
In the Nine of Cups, upright, we see three people raising their wine chalices (cups) by the sea high up as if in celebration while plenty more chalices of wine are set out before them. The extra chalices indicate the many different reasons to celebrate that are found in each and every day. Through adopting an attitude of perpetual gratitude, you will open yourself up to be more mindful of all the wonderful things around you for which to be thankful, even in the darkest time. With having three people joining in on the celebrations, this tells us that we, as humans, are not meant to be alone. But rather life is better when shared with others be they friends or family. Some of us, such as myself, choose to not have a romantic partner or friends, but I do have children and grandchildren for whom I am always grateful. Humans, like dogs, are generally pack animals and life is meant to be shared. Looking back at our Nine of Cups, the vast, expansive sea is indicative of the many opportunities available to you through altering your thought process and being focused on the positive. Good things are to come and cause for celebration is near.
Tarot Card Draw #2: Eight of Cups
The Eight of Cups, upright, shows us a lost and broken woman choosing to walk away from the opportunities represented by the neatly stacked wine chalices behind her as well as the full moon which could potentially light the way for her. This card quite literally speaks of the many choices each of us has but are often oblivious to. She could expend the effort to turn around, climb the stairs to opportunities and a better, more positive and fulfilling life. Instead, she is choosing the easier path – the path of least resistance — thus leading to negativity, disappointment and despair. Sometimes opportunity is just behind us and all we need do is choose to turn and look. This card showing up for you today is urging you to open your eyes wide and look all around for untapped opportunities and potential. At times, you may be holding yourself back due to self-limiting beliefs. Shake those off and know that pretty much anything is possible with the right mindset. I often hear from people asking when something good is going to happen in their lives. My answer is always the same: Something good will happen when you make it happen. Be more proactive and take charge of your own life. Make something good happen. Turn around and let the full moon lead you out of the darkness.
Tarot Card Draw #3: Seven of Wands, reversed
On the Seven of Wands, reversed, we see conflict and hand-to-hand combat with one of the underdogs looking to be wearing a crown. This tells us that no one is immune to stress and strife no matter their status in life. Money and status are not enough to protect anyone when negative choices and bad attitudes are at play. While it may seem that some people get away with anything, no one truly knows what goes on behind closed doors or what Karma may lay in wait for them later in the future. With the torches ablaze in the background, we are shown that continued struggles will persist unless you can find a way to avoid it. With this card falling in the reverse position for you, today, it is shown that by making better choices, we can often avoid conflict and negative situations. Choose wisely and seek out the answer so you can be better informed. Rather than allow the torches to be destructive, take one and let it light the way out of the darkness and negativity. Learn to pick your battles, as well, which will ensure a much better peace of mind. Once you learn what you can control and what you cannot, life will be so much easier.
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