Choose Your Tarot Card
Here is your Interactive Tarot reading for the week. If you have never done this kind of reading before, it is very simple. Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy. Ready?
Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for the week that carries your journey with it.
Going into the last week of March and the first week of April, we are still in the first house of the Astrology Wheel, Aries the Ram, until April 20th. From the pull of tarot cards chosen this week, all cards indicate affairs of the heart who are somehow connected to your financial security and making choices of following your intuition on which direction you will take… both giving and receiving.
WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT! Since, we are all being financially affected by the quarantine of the Coronavirus, in some cases on a deeper personal level of being tested positive for it or someone that you care about is dealing with it. It is now, important that we not let fear of an uncertain financial future overcome the more powerful energy of the loving universe putting things back in balance. Solutions will come and staying in the mind set that “This Too Shall Pass” and lots of gratitude and sharing. Whatever your circumstances are through these trying times, know there is always a door that will open to assist through these hard times if you keep the faith. Just ask and believe! The universe “IS” listening and will respond quickly and abundantly to those who stay in the powerful balancing energy of gratitude.
Story continues below…
Tarot Card Draw #1: Queen of Wands
The Queen of Wands is a loving, caring and giving female whose life path is always about nurturing those around her. This may represent you or someone that is close to you who open doors of opportunity for help and support. It will be a fair and balanced offer as the Queen of Wands does not encourage enabling fear of lack but more of giving you hope and the knowledge to help find your own inner power.
Tarot Card Draw #2: Ten of Pentacles (Reversed)
The Ten of Pentacles holds the energy of being on the quest of financial security, surrounded by family or friends who energetically support your endeavors. It is apropos during these financially uncertain times. Since pulled reversed, it is a strong message from higher self that if you need it, you will receive financial help from an unexpected source or you will be the one unexpectedly offers help. It could be anyone in your circle of family, friends or even a co-worker.
Tarot Card Draw #3: Queen of Cups (Reversed)
The Queen of Cups is also benevolent energy as the Queen of Wands, but usually with strong psychic abilities, spiritually aware and empathic. She usually knows what you are going to say or need even before you do. This feminine energy could be you or someone that is in close proximity. Rarely does this card, even pulled reversed, represents an adversarial situation. Pulling this psychically aware female with a reversed tarot card, in all the present fear and chaos, you may find yourself unexpectedly mentoring someone you had not considered before or a female who could open doors of new opportunities for you. Because the Queen of Cups psychic energy is fairly powerful, it won’t be subtle in nature, more of a good “OMG!” situation. In times of chaos, the universe will use all its power to help bring out the best in people and unfortunately with same force, the worst, depending on personal choices. They are all in soul’s agenda of learning experiences.
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Psychic Susan Z