Tarot Reading

Weekly Interactive Tarot Reading – Oct 29th 2019

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Here is your Interactive Tarot reading for the week. Every week you get to send a message to the universe to show what lies ahead for you when drawing a Tarot card for the upcoming week.

If you have never done this kind of reading before, it is very simple. I have always loved readings where you pick your own cards and let the cards chose the answers for you.

Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy. Ready?

Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for the week that carries your journey with it.





We had a New Moon in Scorpio on Sunday the 27th. A new moon in Scorpio in the same astrology month, is all about your love life, romantic partnerships. It can also be challenging with those people you have the most love for in your life. That can include friends, siblings and family and yes even your pets. Since we are talking about love and possible romantic partnerships, you will find this week giving you signals either on your current relationship, your new love showing up and finally seeing love being in your stable future versus just renting you. All the Tarot cards pulled this week indicate a destiny (or karmic if you want to call it that) relationship, having the potential of successfully being long term or experiencing a new and more nurturing relationship than one you have now or had in the past.

Tarot Card Draw #1: The Wheel Of Fortune

OK! Drawing The Wheel Of Fortune means this is going to be a week of many “Divine Interventions, Serendipitous” moments” and new shifts of perceptions, which by the way we call miracles. It will mostly be centered around love and being loved. This is what you wrote in your Akashic Records for this lifetime and so there will be no “accidental” happenings this week. It is all about feeling unconditional love for yourself in whatever area of your life that you are allow getting beat up by the subconscious bullies you have in your belief system. These are given to you by others or old imprints from past life unresolved negative beliefs and feelings. So, if ever the word, “destiny” comes into play, this would be the week. As mentioned above, these cool happenings will mostly center around your heart relationships. If you are in a relationship now, the question WILL come up either consciously or subconsciously, if this is really who you want to spend the rest of your life with. If single, he is definitely on his way into your life. When dealing with friends and family, you may start looking at them and reacting to them in a different way. A good way though, because it will be about YOU making YOU a priority. Maybe for the first time! Go for it! It is an outstanding energy! Feeling like a Queen for the day and then having that day turn into many.

Story continues below…

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Tarot Card Draw #2: Page of Wands (Reversed)

Well what can I say about the Page of Wands but he is so your inner child issues and also your joy in life. Since he was pulled reversed, I believe it will bring up situations where you will take a more adult perspective with something that you may have been drawn into, causing your childish temper tantrum from the behavior of others. That “aha” moment may happen when you realize you are being manipulated by the people who you suspect are manipulating you and pushing your buttons to get the reaction they need from YOU! The question you might ask yourself this week is: does it make you feel good about yourself and what do you really think you are going to accomplish by believing YOU can change OTHERS into what you want them to be. It’s called fearful control and having the need to right at all costs. You are playing that game so you have the excuse to go into your 4-year-old inner child’s temper tantrums. Time to rethink who you surround yourself with?

Tarot Card Draw #3: Three Of Pentacles

Totally love this tarot card! The Three of Pentacles is about you finally seeing some success in whatever area you are desiring or have been working hard at. It doesn’t have to be a major scenario but even the smallest wins and rewards will swell your heart up into actually thinking that you DO deserve to get all you want. Why not? What’s keeping it from showing up, but you!? Whether you believe it or not, ALL prayers are answered. It is your capability and belief foundations about receiving that trips up our happiness. For example: I had a client that just wanted to be married so badly, she just went from one desperate relationship to another. When she finally thought she had found “her man”, he married and mistreated her so badly that it was a very short-term marriage. But she got what she asked for. Receiving it came in her belief that she was unworthy of having someone adore her and treat her wonderfully. Instead her belief was that she was worthless and she would take whatever showed up and wanted her. And that is exactly what she got. Happy Ending though! She finally took a few suggestions I had been trying to get her to do for ages and is now happily married with a new child and I do mean she IS happy! SHE changed; it wasn’t me, not the guy she was looking for, a spell casting, lighting candle, a psychic, or prayer. She may have done all those things asking for the help to see but it was not until she decided the changes needed to be made within her that her happiness showed up. Following the old saying: “Wherever you go, there YOU are.” YOU are the consistent factor is each situation, so it has to be about you. Look for those “aha” moments this week, as they are bound to show up in your personal relationships. Future success CAN be yours. All you have to do is use your 4 year old inner child to help you be creative instead of nagging you to death because you haven’t given her what she wants.

Considering getting a tarot card reading? We have carefully screened and selected a range of gifted, compassionate tarot readers to provide clarity and new insights into your life. Online readers available 24/7.

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  1. This is indivertibly error.

    Tarot Card Draw #1: The Wheel Of Fortune
    The Two of Pentacles is always about fluctuation, mostly in career choices. It can also represent who you financially depend on for security and if you are happy with the arrangement. Since drawn in reverse, there will be thoughts of upending that financial security for something else. Whether it be in the financial safety of a partnership, steady long-term employment at a job you hate, finally coming to a place when you are ready to make that leap of faith and go back to school to better your options in your chosen field and/or start a completely new career or start that small entrepreneurial business dream you have been wanting to do forever. This week, you will feel the push to re-examine what the future would hold for you if you made those changes. Quite possibly an opportunity may unexpectedly be opened up for you that is so gold, you just have to go for it!

  2. I chose card #1 which shows the wheel of fortune but it talks about the reverse two of pentacles.

  3. Hi Everyone,

    So sorry for the mix-up on the card draw #1. The Wheel of fortune is correct and I just missed the edit error for the new week. My apologies. Being corrected.
    Psychic Susan Z