Choose Your Tarot Card
Here is your Interactive Tarot reading for the week. Every week you get to send a message to the universe to show what lies ahead for you when drawing a Tarot card for the upcoming week.
If you have never done this kind of reading before, it is very simple. I have always loved readings where you pick your own cards and let the cards chose the answers for you.
Look at the image above and relax, focus on the first card that draws you in and that card will connect with your personal energy. Ready?
Once you have picked your card, you can scroll down to see it revealed then read the information for the week that carries your journey with it.
October is Libra’s month! We also have one of the fun holidays of Halloween on the 31st. This month’s energy will focus mostly on emotional and personal feelings. Not that you won’t have your work and career also being addressed but the strongest message for this month is how you handle your personal emotions in close quarters of the heart. It will be an emotionally volatile month with very highs and very lows on your personal relationships scale. It will also be a good learning month to recognize what pushes your buttons that bring up those unexpected fears, anger, love, jealousy and compassion. Since all the Tarot cards this week were pulled reversed, it tells me to expect the unexpected in all areas of your life, especially your personal relationships this week.
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Tarot Card Draw #1: King Of Pentacles (Reversed)
The King of Pentacles is all about getting more successful, making more money and/or obtaining a new possession (usually a big-ticket item like a car, home or that expensive bag you have been eyeing for awhile). These financial gains will evolve around a male who handles money with great expertise, is generous with what he has and willing to help you become more prosperous. This could be your boss, your partner or a male family member or friend. Somehow, this King of Pentacles will come into play this week in helping to make things a little more financially abundant for you.
Tarot Card Draw #2: Nine Of Swords (Reversed)
The Nine of Swords is usually about dropping into that black rabbit hole of disappointment and depression. It is always a reminder if you see signs that you moving into that space of despair or hopelessness, get a handle on it quickly before it starts becoming an everyday reality for you. Since pulled reversed, more than likely it is a sign if you have been feeling down lately, you are getting ready to come out of it. Either by your own strength of will, not liking being in that unhappy place or through the help of friends, family, partner or unexpected circumstances showing up to pull you out. It doesn’t have to mean you are suffering through a major downer as it could be just having a feeling of “same ole, same ole”, which you do not care for. It is about to end, looking to the future with a brighter outlook.
Tarot Card Draw #3: Princess Of Cups (Reversed)
Drawing the Princess of Cups is always about being energetic and enthused about something going on in your life. She also represents that Inner Child who needs to be nurtured and also put in her place when she throws that temper tantrum because of not getting what she wants NOW! Pulled reversed, it shows you possibly taking a different look at how you sometimes allow people make you feel small or insignificant, recognizing that you have all the power to own your emotions and feelings. Not choosing to make someone else responsible for those emotions. This card pulled in reverse has all the feel of putting your big girl panties on and taking a grown-up approach to something you wanted or possibly didn’t want. That little 4-year old Inner Child will try and make you feel guilty as hell for not getting what she thinks would make her happy right now, with the ego supporting her tantrums all the way. This week, something will make you step into a strong energy and take the attitude of “it is what it is”, so now, how do I fix it, get it or get rid of it.
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Will i ever find true happiness with someone