Master Numerology Weekly Draw
Welcome to your Numerology forecast for the week ahead through the Master Numbers.
We live with numbers every day and our universe is one huge mathematical equation. To choose your Master Number, close your eyes, focus on the Master Number that draws you in and see what your week’s numerology forecast will be for you.
If you are unfamiliar with Master Numbers in numerology or how to find your own life number, click on the link and it will explain what each Master Number foundation is.
Once you have picked your Master Number, it will support and coincide with the week’s Tarot number and your personal life number linked to it. Please remember this is a general reading but your personal life number will also form and direct the different outcomes.
Going into the third week of December 16th, we are still in the Zodiac house of Sagittarius until December 22nd. Then on the 23rd of December, moving into the astrological house of Capricorn. The December 12th Full Moon in Gemini that occurred during the rare triple conjunction of Venus, Saturn, and Pluto will still be felt.
It will be a Four Numerology week, 12/16/2019 = 1+2+1+6+2+0+1+9 = 22 = 2+2 = 4 with the supporting Tarot card of The Hermit (Reversed). A Four Numerology week shows the characteristics of patience to see how things will finally unfold, planning and seeing ideas becoming visible in the physical plane. Since it is a Master II number before being broken down to a lesser Four Numerology week, you will see many intuitive opportunities to come out of isolation, either physically or emotionally and start building new friendships, new ideas for career and new definitions of what you think love should look like. Both for yourself and others. It will be a week of feeling that you are ready to come off the energetic sofa and feel the beginnings of wanting to embrace life head-on!
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Choosing Master Number 11: Intuition
The Master Number 11 is always about your intuitive feelings and this week will be no different since you have pulled the Master Intuition card. You have been feeling that it’s time to be pro-active about making changes in your life but maybe have not acted on it. The urge to take a new direction in your life will become a strong push from the universe. Since we are still feeling the effects of the triple conjunction, I would say the focus will mainly be on love and finances. If it is not working, find a better way and if it’s not broke, don’t try to fix it. Just be very aware of that ethereal voice in your head and heart, reminding you of how powerful gratitude is.
Choosing Master Number 22: Master Builder
Always when you choose Master Builder 22 for the week, it is about you building new foundations to teach what natural strength of self is and releasing feelings of fear for the future. The opportunities coming with a lesser four-numerology week, a Master Number 22 and a reversed Hermit tarot support card, will be like pulling teeth to get you started on a new project. Comfortable but possibly not happy in your circumstances, either in a personal relationship, family or career. A “Wow! Didn’t see that coming” may be what it takes to start building upon or just tearing down what is not making you happy and starting over. Either way, the tools to build that new start or re-build will begin to show up this week. It could be a small beginning idea, something noticed or big as feeling stunned that you now have to do something about a circumstance that your (reversed) Hermit card is reminding you is overdue.
Choosing Master Number 33: Master Teacher
The Master Number 33 is about the lessons your soul will experience to spiritually grow. The lessons learned this week with a lesser four-numerology week, a Master Number 22 and a reversed Hermit tarot support card, will more than likely center around being realistic about a life situation you have pulled the bedcovers over your head, hoping it would change on its own or go away. It is not going away on its own for sure and even if you manage to not address it for a little while longer, it has a lesson of “those that do are those that get!” If procrastination of addressing issues in your life that you would rather just pretend doesn’t exist is your modus operandi, outside circumstances will start the action, giving you no choice but to participate. This does not necessarily mean a bad thing; it could also be something that you have been hoping to see happen but could not or would not initiate it and it shows up in your life as a gift. Sometimes you DO get a Home Free card that will teach you the same lessons needed through a happy situation versus adversity. Rare but it does happen, as unfortunately, the human element seems to be a little hard-headed and designed to learn soul lessons of self-love through adversarial circumstances. You’ll get the message loud and clear and then its up to you if its “full steam ahead or just give me five more minutes to sleep.” Either way, movement will happen.
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