Master Numerology Weekly Draw

Welcome to your Numerology forecast for the week ahead through the Master Numbers.

We live with numbers every day and our universe is one huge mathematical equation. To choose your Master Number, close your eyes, focus on the Master Number that draws you in and see what your week’s numerology forecast will be for you.

If you are unfamiliar with Master Numbers in numerology or how to find your own life number, click on the link and it will explain what each Master Number foundation is.

Once you have picked your Master Number, it will support and coincide with the week’s Tarot number and your personal life number linked to it. Please remember this is a general reading but your personal life number will also form and direct the different outcomes.

This will be a Five numerology week, 02/17/2020 = 0+2+1+7+2+0+2+0 = 14 = 1+4 = 5. A Five numerology week is always associated with prosperity, abundance and the changes needed to make that happen or how it will affect your life with the additional prosperity and changes. We also have Mercury Retrograde that started on the 16th, until March 10th. We all know the cautionary tales that go with that.

With a Five numerology week and supporting tarot card of the Eight of Pentacles, there are infinite possibilities on how your new prosperity and abundance will show up. Since the supporting tarot card is the Eight of Pentacles, which is being focused and the willingness to put effort and hard work into manifesting better finances, more than likely you will see those rewards due to your hard work versus an unexpected windfall. That could be anything from the additional education you have been committed to so you qualify for a better job, to manifesting more prosperity in your life through the consistent use of visual and audio affirmations to change your mindset about abundance. The changes are definitely connected with the effort you have put into it.

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Choosing Master Number 11: Intuition

The Master Number 11 is always about your intuitive feelings and this week will be no different since you pulled the Master Intuition Number II Intuition card. Choosing the Master Intuition Number 11, with a five -numerology week and supported by the Eight of Pentacles, you may begin to notice that you are feeling differently about your relationship with finances and making changes in those areas. Whereas, once before you constantly felt something was missing in your life, you now have a knowing that your conscious choices of working on your inner-self, the rewards are beginning to arrive or you feel them just around the corner. You intuitively know now is not the time to give up, as all your effort and hard work are getting ready to pay off.

Choosing Master Number 22: Master Builder

Always when you choose Master Builder 22 for the week, it is about building new foundations to teach what your natural strength of self is and releasing old feelings of fear for the future. Choosing the Master Builder Number 22 with a five-numerology week supported by the Eight of Pentacles, you have been or are getting ready to start working on building new positive foundations for the better. As the old saying goes, “A house built on sand will not weather the storm as a house built on stone.” Meaning that you may start noticing this week that your intentional focus of being pro-active in making changes in your life for the better is now becoming apparent to you. You start recognizing the strong foundations for dealing with change, only comes from within and not handing those life decisions over to others who usually don’t have their shit together either.

Choosing Master Number 33: Master Teacher

The Master Number 33 is about the lessons your soul will experience to spiritually grow. Choosing the Master Teacher Number 33 with a five-numerology week supported by the Eight of Pentacles, this may be the week you learn those lessons that no matter how much effort you put into trying to “fix” someone or a situation, if they are not willing to do the work themselves, no changes will take place for the better. All you have done is put a lot of work into a bottomless pit of neediness. On the other hand, if you have placed all that hard work in making changes of your own making, you will begin to see that you are attracting a more solid, trustworthy and appealing type of person in your life. It can get old very quickly when you feel that it is always your strength being given away in your expectations, they will start making the necessary changes of self-strength. No one wins in that kind of situation. Whether it be an unconscious “aha” moment or a steady realization that you are your own rock of reason and only you can make the difference…. of course, with a little help from your guides plus your friends, partner and family. You will teach them stronger foundations by their observation of the changes in you.

Considering getting a psychic reading? We have carefully screened and selected a range of gifted, compassionate psychic readers to provide clarity and new insights into your life. Online psychics available 24/7.




Susan Z Rich is an emotional addiction counsellor, spiritual intuitive and holistic therapist. She counsels others to see life in a more positive way and teaches personal accountability for life choices. She is also the author of several children’s books and Soul Windows … Secrets From The Divine.

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