
Weekly Numerology Forecast – Feb 24th 2020


Master Numerology Weekly Draw

Welcome to your Numerology forecast for the week ahead through the Master Numbers.

We live with numbers every day and our universe is one huge mathematical equation. To choose your Master Number, close your eyes, focus on the Master Number that draws you in and see what your week’s numerology forecast will be for you.

If you are unfamiliar with Master Numbers in numerology or how to find your own life number, click on the link and it will explain what each Master Number foundation is.

Once you have picked your Master Number, it will support and coincide with the week’s Tarot number and your personal life number linked to it. Please remember this is a general reading but your personal life number will also form and direct the different outcomes.

Going into the week of the 24th, this will be a Three Numerology week, 02/24/2020 = 0+2+2+4+2+0+2+0 = 12 = 1+2 = 3. A Three Numerology week brings renewed optimism, abundance, creativity and the opportunity to share those potentials with others.

With a three-numerology week and the supporting tarot card of the Death card (Reversed), it is basically the universe setting you up re-invent yourself in some area of your life that needs to die away and be reborn into something better. The Death card always gets a bad rap, just because it is what it is, but in the energy of tarot, the Death card rarely means a passing of life. It represents the old dying away and making room for transformation into something new. Being pulled reversed, the odds are the transformation of old paradigms will be brought on by something or someone outside yourself and not an inner “aha” moment.

em>Story continues below…

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Choosing Master Number 11: Intuition

The Master Number 11 is always about your intuitive feelings and this week will be no different since you pulled the Master Number II Intuition card. Choosing the Master Intuition, with a supporting reversed Death card, it can mean you have felt an ending coming or an abrupt turnaround in your relationships, work, health or family. You may not initiate it but the universe will set the circumstances up so it can’t be missed or avoided. Old stagnant do-overs on how you deal with a situation or people or allowing the same scenario to unfold in your life, never bringing you happiness or fulfillment, will be obvious this week. Since this week is also in both the energy of a New Moon and Mercury Retrograde, it may be an eye-opening opportunity for you to recognize how you are creating a repeat life scenario that is not working.

Choosing Master Number 22: Master Builder

Always when you choose Master Builder 22 for the week, it is about building new foundations to teach what your natural strength of self is and releasing old feelings of fear for the future. Choosing the Master Builder Number 22 with a 3 numerology week, a supporting reversed tarot Death card, coming out of New Moon energy and being in Mercury Retrograde, I would make a quick summation this week is going bring up circumstances you will want to change the way you deal with a hopeful desire or challenge from start to finish. When we are building foundations for any new changes (and life is always throwing choices where change is concerned), how those changes are approached (excited, hopeful, optimistic or expecting a pessimistic outcome) will manifest the journey of the outcome. You may be given the chance to be reminded that you always say, do the same thing or have the same expectations every time life throws you a curve, good or challenging. Words and thoughts are our foundations that create the future we desire, so be alert on how positive you communicate to the universe, yourself and others.

Choosing Master Number 33: Master Teacher

The Master Number 33 is about the lessons your soul will experience to spiritually grow. Choosing the Master Teacher Number 33 with a three-numerology week, a supporting reversed tarot Death card, coming out of New Moon energy and being in Mercury Retrograde, I believe that whatever opportunity is given to you this week to create a better version of your life, will be a lesson learned by everyone involved. It will not just be a personal moment for you of self-awareness but a Master Teaching moment for anyone connected to grow and expand also. Some will applaud your new choices and others will think you are only thinking of yourself and don’t care how it affects anyone else. And that may be so, but possibly that is exactly what the positive new opportunity is teaching you…. make yourself a priority before always giving in to the demands of others first.

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