Master Numerology Weekly Draw
Welcome to your Numerology forecast for the week ahead through the Master Numbers.
We live with numbers every day and our universe is one huge mathematical equation. To choose your Master Number, close your eyes, focus on the Master Number that draws you in and see what your week’s numerology forecast will be for you.
If you are unfamiliar with Master Numbers in numerology or how to find your own life number, click on the link and it will explain what each Master Number foundation is.
Once you have picked your Master Number, it will support and coincide with the week’s Tarot number and your personal life number linked to it. Please remember this is a general reading but your personal life number will also form and direct the different outcomes.
This week we have a Seven Numerology week with the supporting tarot card of the Six of Wands, 01/20/2020 = 0+1+2+0+2+0+2+0 = 7. Seven in numerology represents unbridled faith in things that cannot be seen by the eye but only by the heart. Spirituality, mysticism, intuition and an uncanny observation skill will be your calling card for the week. The Six of Wands is all about winning and being victorious in anything you might attempt. It is a good numerical week for all Sun signs but especially the newly awakened Aquarians on the 21st. Watch for those serendipitous moments and ethereal messages from spirit and your guides to direct you towards your heart’s desires.
This numerology week will see us go into a new Star sign of Aquarius on the 21st. The Aquarian Water Bearer is strong-minded with no love for change but makes it happen in their own way. A little bit of stubbornness mixed in with sheer genius, they execute the appropriate actions to get things accomplished with their personal flair. A New Moon in Aquarius suggests a new drive and ambition to bring a victorious outcome for you.
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Choosing Master Number 11: Intuition
The Master Number 11 is always about your intuitive feelings and this week will be no different since you pulled the Master Number II Intuition card. “You just had a feeling that you were going to get that job or that he was going to ask you to marry you this week.” That will be a common thread of thought process for you with the supporting Six of Wands victory card. Don’t discount those “feelings of victory” that come to all of us at different times in our life. Follow it through and don’t doubt!
Choosing Master Number 22: Master Builder
Always when you choose Master Builder 22 for the week, it is about building new foundations to teach what your natural strength of self is and releasing old feelings of fear for the future. With a 7 Numerology week and supporting Six of Wands victory card, those little or even BIG victories and sudden opportunities that come up for you are not a fluke. They are intended to give you that boost in the right direction to begin building your life in a direction to address whatever area of your life you have been feeling suffocated and stagnant. That small or big victory is a gift to you to give you the push to start laying foundations for what your heart truly desires.
Choosing Master Number 33: Master Teacher
The Master Number 33 is about the lessons your soul will experience to spiritually grow. With a 7 Numerology week being supported by the Six of Wands victory card, your winning attitude of the gift or gifts given to you by the universe this week is to teach you about gratitude, which is the main supportive energy for a happy life. Your lessons may show up in realizing you want to share your good fortune in a different way than before or letting go of the belief that a victory of any kind for you must be a big life-changing one and not just a small simple gift of gratitude from the universe in answer to your prayers. Be sure to not forget that YOU are co-creating what you receive and what you lose. In order for your soul to experience unconditional love of self and others, the universe must first have your cooperation. No big mystery, just the bottom line of why you are breathing at this moment.
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