What Emotionally Strong People Do

We have all had our weak moments, when our strong convictions turn to jelly because we have gotten hurt so deeply, betrayed by someone we never thought would, fear of what the future holds when we lose our jobs or are facing an unexpected health or family crisis. No one is strong all the time but the way you maneuver through life is to be your own personal strength most of the time.

Emotions are a part of our psyche and directly influence our physical body. They affect the way our body functions and they drive every single one of our actions. Without emotion, we would have no reason to act, to do or respond to anything concerning ourselves. Emotions are our greatest motivators but unfortunately, they can also motivate us to act in fear and fear always makes us do stupid things we regret later. So how do emotional strong people cope?

From the professionals, listed below are a few situations that emotional strong people avoid getting into and some tools they use to keep those big girl panties on when the going gets tough.

  1. They never feel the need to beg anyone for attention. Those who feel the need to always being the center of everyone’s universe only find themselves experiencing feelings of a temporary high. The reality is that the world does not revolve around you and never will.
  2. They don’t allow others to drag them into their drama and bring them down. Emotional strength requires resilience. This world is filled with haters, trolls and jealousy lurking around every corner. We are unfortunately are watching that play out with Meghan Markle, the new wife of Prince Harry. It is unfortunately a repeat of the same treatment Princess Diana experienced. Haters just love to hate!
  3. Story continues below…

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  4. They don’t hold grudges. If you’re holding a grudge, then you already care more about the situation than the people involved. Whether the person apologizes genuinely or not, forgive him or her. If this person doesn’t apologize, then don’t interact with him or her, but don’t hold onto the grudge.
  5. They never stop doing their own thing. Emotionally strong individuals do what they do because they love doing it. They don’t plan on slowing down or stopping for anyone who deems what makes them happy inappropriate.
  6. They never stop believing in themselves. Those who love themselves and understand themselves, aren’t afraid of being proud of who they are and never doubt themselves. You amount to what you believe your own self-worth is.
  7. Bitchiness and acting like a mean ass is not their thing. We all have our moments, but they truly believe in live and let live and stay out of judgement of people who are purposely unkind and a pain in the ass.
  8. They are very selective about who they emotionally allow into their lives. The emotionally strong are strong for a reason: They don’t expose themselves to people who break down their defenses and crush their morale.
  9. They are not afraid to love even if their track record has not been great! They basically take the attitude that whomever broke their heart missed out on something awesome. Their loss!
  10. They actually look forward to the day when they get out of bed, regardless of what it brings. They are still breathing and that is good enough for them for that moment.
  11. They actually do take time to smell the roses. They don’t need to constantly keep moving in order to run from their demons.
  12. You CANNOT talk them into doing things they do not want to do! End of story.
  13. They have no problem saying “NO”! If you can’t say “no,” you will get abused. You’ll be considered a pushover and no one will ever ask you for your opinion or take it seriously when you give it.
  14. They know what “paying it forward” actually means and they put it into action. They share their windfalls and gifts with others.
  15. They have no problem feeling like the “odd one” in any situation. Fitting in is not a priority for them. They are who they are. You find your own niche wherever you happen to be.
  16. They never forget that happiness is a choice. They understand that emotions are reactions, not reactions to a direct cause, but to the way we perceive those causes. Understanding this can give us fairly good control of our emotions and, therefore, our lives.

Susan Z’s Verdict

I think the suggestions given and put into action, can be life changers. If you do not feel you are in control of your own life, try some of them in baby steps. The energetic emotional change it will have on your body and outlook in life could be phenomenal!

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Susan Z Rich is an emotional addiction counsellor, spiritual intuitive and holistic therapist. She counsels others to see life in a more positive way and teaches personal accountability for life choices. She is also the author of several children’s books and Soul Windows … Secrets From The Divine.

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