What happened to Hiddleswift?
What happened to Hiddleswift ? We wrote the other day on Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston, and how their relationship was in trouble. The pressures of work and celebrity lives were not leaving them much time to be just a normal couple. I said that I saw they had great potential and wished they would work it out. But sadly, where free will is concerned. Working it through was only one option available, the other option was walking away.
Sadly, the pressure on Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston was all too much, and today news breaks that the couple is parting ways. This is Taylor Swift’s second breakup in a very short space of time. It’s only a matter of months since she finished with Calvin Harris. It was when she was hurting from that breakup, that Tom Hiddleston came to her rescue.
Tom came in as the knight in shining armour and picked her up and carried her through it. But alas, as anyone who ever had a broken heart will tell you. You need time to heal before you are ready to start again. I have said it before and I will say it again. There was a lot worth saving here. But like all people, they have free will. They can pick any option they wish. I can only guide on one option.
I would hope that in time they would find their way back together. Perhaps a different time and place will stir the chemistry that started Hiddleswift in the first place. In life, we are given many options to any one situation. By making a decision, any decision, we can alter the course of whatever path we are on. Had Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston asked, would I have said, as I have said before? There was a lot worth saving there. I felt they were the right people in the wrong place.
Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict.
How would I advise them to move forward, now that the decision has been made?
The first card up is The Fool Card. This does not mean being foolish. It is taking a risk. Stepping off the cliff. Perhaps you both realised it’s best to leave before anger and frustration flowed into something good.
The Six of Cups shows that you have something saved from this. It would appear that although it seems all is gone.
The spark is still there and the flame could relight. Taylor, you need some time just to be Taylor Swift. Rebuild your solo self and then see how you feel. Perhaps you will look on this with different eyes.
The Nine of Wands indicates that it is going to be a very busy time for both of you. This will help take your mind off things, but it won’t kill the memory. My hope for both of you is that time will heal. Situations will change, and there will be a second chance here. We wish you both well.
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