What Happens When We Die? Part I

The idea of what happens to a person after he or she dies is as widely varied as there are different religions. It is always a matter of your own personal belief system. For me, I do believe in a Heaven but I also believe in reincarnation. I will address each topic in two separate stories on “Life After Death” so as to allow ample information and views.

I do not believe in Hell by any stretch but I do know that not all deceased persons are with us for good. I feel that Hell, or evil, is simply within particular persons and manifests in many different ways during life and, in some cases, through death.

Heaven, to me, is much like that in the Robin Williams movie “What Dreams May Come”. If you are not familiar with that movie, it shows that people create their own version of Heaven and take on the persona and physical appearance that they most desire. That is exactly how I see Heaven based on how I communicate with people who have passed and in what they share with me.

Story continues below…

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When I see people who have passed, they rarely look as they did when they actually passed. They usually take on their own ideas of their best self. An example, I recently communicated with a baby lost in utero but the baby presented herself to me as a well-spoken three-year-old child. I have also seen spirits who passed very late in life but who came across as being closer to middle-aged. Pets will come across as small children on occasion, especially those who preferred the company of people as opposed to other dogs or cats, etc.

While no one knows for sure as near-death experiences also vary, a common theme is the bright, white light. Some people recount that deceased relatives and friends were waiting for them amidst the bright light.

In life, I strongly believe that each of us has persons or spirits of those deceased persons around us at all times. Some of the spirits may “flit” back and forth between different people. I also believe that each of these individual spirits has a purpose for us after they pass. Some are with us for protection, some are with us to just make us feel good and others to make us laugh.

I have had the privilege of talking with many different deceased persons and pets over my many years of practice. They almost always tell me what their purpose is in the after life. There have been the rare occasions when I have spoken with bad or evil spirits, but for the most part they are positive and have a good purpose with each of us.

Tamara’s Verdict

I feel that each deceased person/spirit has full control over what they can do and whom they can do it with such as protecting others or making them laugh; bringing comfort and a smile when needed. While I have spoken with some sad or mildly distressed deceased spirits, that is quite rare. They are usually quite content with their circumstances and I feel this is due in part to us being reincarnated which I will discuss in my next story.

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Having attained Master Level at Mediumship, Tarot, Energy Work and general Psychic Readings, Tamara (Tami) has a great many years’ experience as a Spiritual Counselor, Psychic, Tarot Reader and Medium also. She is highly skilled at Numerology, Auras, Past Lives and Chakras and can help you determine your own psychic abilities; she is remarkably adept at simple questions as well as those most in-depth. As an award-winning writer with more than 45 years’ experience, Tamara (Tami) has provided original works to 7thsense on various subjects and writes the Daily Tarot Draw.


  1. Pingback: What Happens When We Die? Part II | 7th Sense Stories

  2. Charlette L Barr

    I also believe In reincarnation I’ve seen it and also felt it..there is life after death good and evil.

  3. Charlette L Barr

    Thank you for insights and your stories they help so much! Xoxo

    • Psychic Tamara x827

      Charlette, thank you for the regular comments!!! I am working on a story right now in which I express how those who read these stories are MY blessings and part of what simply keeps me going day after day.

      I so appreciate the feedback and my goal with each story is to simply reach out to at least one person with words of hope and encouragement.
      Many blessings to you, Charlette!