What have the Doctors told pregnant Janet Jackson?

Janet Jackson has certainly given a new burst of hope to many women across the globe. She has managed to get pregnant at the age of 50.  This will be Janet’s first child. So it is no surprise that this has brought great happiness throughout the Jackson household. And also between Janet and her husband Wissam Al Mana. This week it has emerged, that she has been confined to bedrest on the advice of her doctor.

I’m sure there are many Women who feel that Janet’s pregnancy has brought them new hope of becoming a parent. Normally the cut off point for pregnancy was believed to be the early 40s, but Janet has proved this wrong. Janet obviously has stopped her tours to rest up, as would be expected. I don’t think there is anyone out there who would resent her for doing as her doctor orders. All any of us out here want is a healthy and happy Janet. And we all look forward to hearing about your new arrival when the time comes. Jermaine has volunteered to babysit so all is good in your house.

Now it would not be good moral practice for me or any psychic to give medical advice. So ignore me and follow your Doctor’s advice. But I will throw out a few cards for you to have a look at that is happening in your world.

The Page of Wands shows that your bed rest won’t stop your creativity. In fact, your mind will be in a very creative place. It is possible that you can come up with a very creative way of filling in the time. And it will give you the time to put a plan of action in place for hen the baby comes.

The Three of Cups shows that you Janet Jackson will embrace your new role like a natural. Your heart overwhelms your reading. And that is because of the emotional space that you are in at the moment. All very natural. It’s a time to listen to your instincts, they will rarely guide you wrong.

The Three of wands is mental and physical energy. You are an active person, so resting can sometimes drive you crazy. But you know the result will be worth the effort. If you follow your Doctor’s orders you can have peace of mind. Like everyone out here Janet Jackson and Wissam Al Mana. We wish your both health and happiness with your impending arrival.


As the 7th Son of a 7th Son, Vincent was born a Psychic, Clairvoyant and Healer according to Irish folklore. For decades, Vincent has used his gifts to help people from all walks of life find clarity, direction and purpose. Now he can help guide you.


  1. Can you please do a reading on nicole richie and her biological parents i.e. if she’s in contact with them and how she feels about them? Thank you