What’s next for Hollywood icon, Robert Downey Jr?
Robert Downey Jr has evolved into one of Hollywoods greats. Yes, he had his run in with the law some time back, but people need to learn to forgive and forget. He paid his price now let the man be the wonderful actor he has proven that he is. It is easy to judge someone’s life from a distance but I prefer the motto “walk a mile in my shoes”. So what’s new with Robert now? Where will we see him appear?
Well there are rumors that Robert Downey Jr is becoming the main character in Iron Man 4 sequel – The Black Widow, well he hinted at it. Not sure it’s good for a guy to play the main role in anything with widow in the name, you’re likely to get killed off early and be home in time for lunch. But maybe not. He’s far too big a name to make a short appearance, and besides his fans wouldn’t stand for it.
Master Psychic Vincent’s Verdict
What do the cards hold for Robert Downey Jr? OK well the first card is The Death Card. Now don’t worry he’s not going to die, at least not yet. But this card shows of a new day dawning for Robert, it is a new opportunity and with The Nine of Wands it shows it could quite possibly be the movie he was talking about. The Hanged Man means sacrifice, he must give up something to gain what his heart most desires. Either way this is one very talented individual who according to the cards has still got doors opening for him. Long may it last, and I’m wishing him every success in his future. Watch this space.
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