Why did Shailene Woodley get arrested?
Shailene Woodley who is best known for her role as actress in The Fault in our Stars, stepped forward to defend her reason for being arrested. Shailene was arrested while protesting at the Dakota Access Pipeline in Bismarck, North Dakota. This protest has gained worldwide recognition for its cause as it touches on respect for a people’s beliefs.
Shailene claimed she was walking back to her RV, when she was arrested by police in a heavy-handed matter. She said it would appear she was arrested because of who she was. However, the Morton County Sheriff’s Department claimed she was one of 27 people arrested for the same infraction.
Being a spiritually minded person, I instinctively feel drawn to the Native American people and have a respect for their battle in this case, but let’s concentrate on what the cards say for you Shailene Woodley in the near future.
The knight of Cups.
This card speaks about your passion Shailene. You feel deeply and are very passionate about what you believe. There are no half way measures with you, it is all the way or nothing. I can fully understand from this card why you ended up on the protest in the first place. You heart leads the way in all things, but the knight of Cups doesn’t follow the way of the heart blindly. There has to be a clever head that goes with it.
The Page of Cups.
This card speaks about investment for the future. Setting the seeds for the fruit you wish to draw in years to come. To protect our future, we must respect our past. At the age of 24, you have many roads to walk and choices to make. I feel that this protest gives us a little indication of the Shailene Woodley who will emerge in years to come. True stars are not made in Hollywood. They are born on earth.
The Five of Wands.
This card shows us this battle is not over. You answered a call from your soul and followed it through knowing there could be consequences, but you followed what you believed was the right thing to do. This is a very good sign for the Shailene Woodley who is emerging.
I have a feeling you will go far in your career if you maintain your honest soul. You are also a Scorpio and they tend to say things as they are but are aware of other people’s feelings. Honesty will serve you well Shailene, even if some people do not want to hear it. The cards say you are on the first step of a very interesting road. 2017 has some new and exciting doors you need to open. Watch for February, it feels like a good month for you.
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