Why Spirits And Ghosts Attach Themselves To Certain People

Ghosts exist whether we can explain them with science or not. Keeping in the Halloween spirit, there may be a few answers to those looking at the question of “Why me?” In movies and reality shows we see the nightmares that some people go through when a spirit or ghost decides they have found the perfect companion to either hang with or torture with fear. As most of us are aware, a ghost is a disembodied spirit that is caught in the ether realm of neither the living nor the dead who have not yet passed into the white room.

So, what exactly is spirit or ghost attachment? Many earthbound spirits attach simply because they find comfort in re-living some of the physical aspects of life. Others are confused and don’t realize they are dead and want to get close to a living person. Spirit attachment has been known about by mediums and psychics for a very long time but is only now coming into the limelight – mainly due to the increase of all the mainstream exposure in paranormal investigations. Spirit attachment is basically just what it says. A living person has the energy or spirit of a dead person/entity attached to them.

There are also the few rare cases where it is alleged that spirits have attached to people who then are able to do things they had no talent for previously such as writing music, painting, drawing, writing poetry and so on. However, in most cases, attachments range from being temporary and unpleasant to long-term and terrifying. There is also the physical and mental health fallout when you are dealing with an unwanted spirit or ghost attachment.

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So why do some people seem to have the issue of spirit or ghost attachment come up in their lives? From the experts, here is a list of why certain people are like magnets to non-living entities. “Seeing isn’t believing. Believing is seeing.”

  1. You are a believer in God and know that otherworldly entities exist with you such as angels, guides and you believe the soul does not die to continue to live on in some form.
  2. Those that are sensitive to psychic gifts attract otherworldly forms to them, due to their higher vibrations and connection to the other side of the veil which separates the living and the not living. These are the sensitives. Mostly are clairvoyant, which might give them the ability to see spirits or get flashes of images in their minds. Then there are clairsentients who feel the presence of a spirit. There are also clairaudients who hear a ghost speaking or moving. A psychic medium is another attracter who makes contact with a spirit and delivers its message to another person.
  3. Fear! If you have an over the top fear of the unseen and unknown, you are like a magnet to entities in the other realms who ‘just want to have fun with you’ or feed off that fear from scaring the bejesus out of you.
  4. Ghosts and spirits are drawn to children because of their purity and light and they have newly crossed over from the other side. Poltergeist energy is a common energetic haunting, having an entity use an angry child to physically be able to move and throw things in the physical world through that child.
  5. Those who dabble in the occult. Yes, I am talking about the Ouija board, pentagrams and people who try to communicate with the dead. Even just a curiosity or using it as a joke can open that doorway to the other side and then you never know what will be coming through.
  6. Help is needed in the living realm. This is usually a benevolent relative that is trying to comfort, help or guide the living person they love.
  7. Many earthbound spirits simply randomly attach themselves to someone because they find comfort in re-living some of the physical aspects of life. Others are confused and don’t realize they are dead and want to get close to a living person. Lucky you!
  8. People with a history of drug or alcohol abuse. Addictions have a high negative energetic field and a ghost who is familiar with that energetic pattern, will sometimes choose to live vicariously through the person who is dealing with those addiction. Drugs and excessive alcohol intake not only diminish the body’s natural aura, but it is believed they actually cause rips or gaps in this protective shield and in the psyche itself.

Susan Z’s Verdict

If you grew up as I did, with ghosts and spirits being drawn to your light, you just accept the reality of it. Children are much more open to ‘imaginary playmates’ than adults but it is always a good idea to watch them closely. In another article, I will give helpful tips on how to release those ghosts from your body or vicinity.

Considering getting a psychic reading? We have carefully screened and selected a range of gifted, compassionate psychic readers to provide clarity and new insights into your life. Online psychics available 24/7.



Susan Z Rich is an emotional addiction counsellor, spiritual intuitive and holistic therapist. She counsels others to see life in a more positive way and teaches personal accountability for life choices. She is also the author of several children’s books and Soul Windows … Secrets From The Divine.


  1. Susan Z Reply


    I am sure if you contact one of our great readers on the 7th Sense Psychic call line, they will be able to give you advice and guidance that may help you find the answers you are looking for. https://stories.7thsensepsychics.com/

  2. Angie pautienus Reply

    I don’t know if this sounds crazy or not but I here when a spirit is around me and I smell it .I can feel then when they are on me like a heavy weight my back starts hurting I feel very hot at times and my skin looks so red like sun burned I look in the mirror and my face changes to someone I have known before I change into that person. I would like some help and talk to someone please in need of help Angie

    • Shirell Williams Reply

      Thanks, you have been very helpful. I have experienced this. I knew of my physics ability, It scared me when I was younger. Yes there’s times when I am so heavy I can’t walk. After that see it’s bothering me they leave, but I did welcome my grandfparents who I love dearly and my godmother, God father. They we’re my spiritual advisors. Please help me to understand I need there help.

  3. Susan Z Reply


    It sounds like you have great spirit communication gifts going on. Always remember that you are the one who is in control in this dimension and if you do not like the physical sensations you are having, tell them to cut it out. Talk to one of our great 7th Sense psychics who are gifted in spirit communication and I am sure they will be able to give you some great advice on how to communicate (that is if you care to) with spirit and not have any physical fallout from it. Hope this helps.
    Psychic Susan Z

  4. I just recently started to be more over whelped by feelings that aren’t mine based off of the energy of the room, since I have been letting more of it in. I believe my dead mother is trying to contact me and give me emotions and thought to try and explain things. I am 17 and live in a foster home, my mom died when I was five due to her drinking and pain killer abuse , I have had anger twards her for leaving me . But I am scared and confused and have no one to listen

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