Winona Ryder minimizes crime!
Winona Ryder has recently spoken out about an incident from 15 years ago, where she made headlines for all of the wrong reasons. She was arrested for shoplifting. The 44-year-old admitted that she was not in a great place psychologically and the shoplifting incident brought things to a head. By her own admission, Winona stated that ‘it wasn’t the crime of the century!’
Maybe not, but shoplifting is still a crime and that means it’s not ok!
Winona said that her association with the 1990’s, along with the absence of age-appropriate roles contributed to her poor sense of self at the time of the arrest. She made the decision to take a break from Hollywood and from the public eye.
Currently, Winona is promoting a supernatural fictional drama called ‘Stranger Things.’ Winona stars as Joyce, whose 12-year-old son goes missing and of the ensuing investigation as she seeks answers. Winona revealed that she learned to cry real tears for this part.
Véronique’s Verdict
Will Winona be crying tears of joy? We drew the Three of Wands, the Five of Pentacles and The Eight of Pentacles. The Three of Wands shows collaboration and opportunity. There is a joy that comes with fearless self-expression. Hardship rules the Five of Pentacles, but there is valiant energy within Winona, she will find herself guided towards the positives. The Eight of Pentacles shows that Winona still feels that she has much to learn. She is disciplined and hard working . Winona is methodical in her performance and there is an intuition that she should learn to follow. I feel that there will be a sense of contentment for a job well done.
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