Women’s ‘Inauguration Day’ March.

For the past ten weeks, hundreds of thousands of women worldwide have planned a march to take place on the weekend following the inauguration of Donald Trump. The march was not only to protest about the presidential election but to also remind the country that the rights of women should be protected.

These rights would include:

Paid family leave

Affordable access to abortion and birth control

Higher minimum wage

Organizers expect at least 200,000 to gather on the National Mall in Washington D.C. Musical performances are also expected.

The march is expected to begin with a four hour rally with speeches from author Angela Davies and journalist Gloria Steinem, both known political activists.

Discussions have taken place around race and feminism. Carmen Perez, one of the organizers of the march explained that she would like to highlight the challenges faced by women of colour, immigration and the LGBT communities. Although some of the participants have dropped out of the march over racial inequalities, Ms Perez hopes that marchers will be encouraged to find something in common with activists of different backgrounds in a bid to coordinate their efforts

Véronique’s Verdict

Let’s look at what the ladies can expect from their efforts. The activists drew the Wheel of Fortune, the Four of Hearts and the Prince of Wands.

The Wheel of Fortune
This represents the spirited individuals wishing to make changes for the better. There is much forward thinking within this expansive card and although a fated element is indicated, I do not feel that the ladies are ready to leave anything to chance. Organizing a march of this magnitude takes a huge amount of work and this card indicates success.

The Four of Hearts
This says that despite the work done so far, there is still a lot to do. Progress will continue to be re-evaluated and re-worked until it is in line with the person values of the activists.

The Prince of Wands
This tells us of positive change and this will occur in the area where the efforts are made. There is an unpredictable and competitive energy within this card but as long as their energy is channelled for the greater good then further progress will be made.

Today’s cards bode very well for the women. Overall, the weekend’s march will be considered a success.


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Diana-Julie is an international life coach and spiritual counselor.  She has worked with numerous people globally in their quest for personal empowerment and manifestation of dreams. A Reiki Master and natural healer, her personal passions of writing and spirituality serve to assist in removing obstacles for those seeking her guidance.

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