Your 2018 Horoscope

Welcome to 2018 all! Below you can find your 2018 Horoscope for each third of the year, with a tarot card pulled to guide my reading. Find out what the stars have in store for you!

Aries, jump to your 2018 horoscope
(March 21-April 19)

Taurus, jump to your 2018 horoscope
(April 20-May 20)

Gemini, jump to your 2018 horoscope
(May 21-June 20)

Cancer, jump to your 2018 horoscope
(June 21-July 22)

Leo, jump to your 2018 horoscope
(July 23-August 22)

Virgo, jump to your 2018 horoscope
(August 23-September 22)

Libra, jump to your 2018 horoscope
(September 23-October 22)

Scorpio, jump to your 2018 horoscope
(October 23-November 21)

Sagittarius, jump to your 2018 horoscope
(November 22-December 21)

Capricorn, jump to your 2018 horoscope
(December 22-January 19)

Aquarius, jump to your 2018 horoscope
(January 20 to February 18)

Pisces, jump to your 2018 horoscope
(February 19 to March 20)


January to April

The Tree of Wands
The first four months of the year for Aries are ones filled with excitement of all that’s new. This card is energy of a new and exciting project. Someone has given you the break you needed to get to where you needed to be and given you the freedom to make your own choices. Looking for a career change or a step up in the career you are in? This is the time when it all becomes possible.

May to August

The Two of Coins
Here is where financial balance comes into play. All the plans you have for the future can’t go anywhere without the money to do it. Summer months are better for saving if you can, provided the holiday break isn’t too expensive. For the house hunters and those starting out on a life journey this year, put the thought into lining the bank balance to help you to get there.

September to December

Wheel of Fortune
Anything can happen at this time of year. It’s as though something has come full circle and is blossoming into what it could be. Hard work that you put in earlier in the year is now coming into its own, and you can see some of the results are repaying you little by little. In some cases, this may be an event and in others it will be a journey. Either way, you are very unlikely to be disappointed by its outcome.

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January to April

Page of wands
This is the card of energy. Spring is in the air, and as a new year warms up in the light of the sun, A journey begins. It’s as though you’re building a path to future wishes and desires, and you want the pave the road to a happy path, so your heart will be in a better place than it is now. Anything is possible if you hold onto the belief that it can be. Faith is a powerful motivator, and with it you can move mountains.

May to August

The King of Cups
It’s a summer of love for most Taurus. You are either falling in love, or reminding someone why you chose them to be the one you fell in love with. Either way the summer heat should bring flurries of emotions flowing through you and someone close. It’s a time to create memories. There is no better time than this to set your path for the future than now, and with a loyal heart by your side nothing can hamper your journey.

September to December

Eight of Wands
Here is the card of ambition. Something you’ve been working on for a long time is now coming together at the end of the year. All your imagination and work will be needed to stir it into the right direction and get it on the road. But planning will always be the better way around it. You have a great head for getting these things sorted, and your also not above taking other peoples ideas onboard and merging them with yours. This could be the key.

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January to April

Page of Wands
This is the card that advises us to invest in the things we want for our future. Little things done now will snowball into greater things as the year grows. It’s like your planting the seeds of something that would grow into bigger things but in a creative mode like a business project or renovating the home. It’s a time to save for the things you want because they are going to make your life a lot easier on the long run, and the spring months are a good time to start.

May to August

The King of Wands
Imagination is the key word with this card. It’s about allowing yourself to dream big and imagine that there is nothing that you can’t do if you put your mind to it. Use the energy of the summer sun to allow your ideas to grow just like the plants it nourishes. It’s a time of growth and energy, and when you learn to harness it to make it work in your benefit, then everything will fall into place nicely.

September to December

Here are the closing months of the year. It’s a time to wind down and contemplate on the things that you have achieved over the last year. Surprisingly, you’ve achieved a lot, and there will be time now to sit in the warm glow of the good deeds you have done and know they have been appreciated by those around you. You’re already planning the new year, but that’s the way Gemini works, always looking ahead.

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January to April

The Two of Swords
The beginning of the year is one that may present a few challenges. That’s fine, because the only way you can achieve anything worth anything in your life is to work for it. It adds to the value, and to the feeling of self-worth that is around it. Cancarians are hard workers, and they wont settle for second best. It’s those little extra bits that you add to something which will be the thing that makes it shine above others.

May to August

The Two of Coins
The Summer months seem to be surrounded by financial balancing, but in the best way possible. Your hard work paid off and you have found yourself in an area where you can start planning. Great things can be achieved if you allow your imagination to go a little crazy. Why not? You’re in the driving seat of your own future, and it’s the one thing that you can control without others intervention.

September to December

The Ten of Swords
For the winter months, this card encourages us not to give up hope even if we can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes, you give too much of yourself, and it can burn you out. Be careful to watch your energy levels and build yourself up during the winter months. It will all come together, but you need to keep believing that it will happen for you. Faith is the best fuel for any journey, and your certainly not a quitter by nature.

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January to April

The Fool Card
The opening of the spring gives you the feeling of wanting to try something new. Sitting around wondering about it wont help anything to progress, so its going to be a situation of rolling up your sleeves and jumping straight in. The first four months of the year are busy ones, and the spring energy appears to be bringing you into a new space in your life where everything is bouncing into place nicely.

May to August

Page of Coins
The Page of Coins is telling you that the summer months are a good time for you to save for the things you want to improve your path in life. Perhaps it’s the long summers evenings and the suns energy, but your state of mind appears to be in a more positive mode. With this, you can build confidence and plan for the things you want but also for how you can achieve them. Trust in yourself.

September to December

The Wheel of Fortune
For the winter months it appears that Leo is doing quite well. A chance encounter brings the light of good luck your way, and helps you to get that little extra boost that you always wanted or needed. Sometimes we just need something to help us over the doorstep into the next level of something we have being trying to achieve. It’s about opportunity and a bit of hard work and it will all come together.

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January to April

King of Coins
For the first few months of the year, you will need to keep an eye on what you spend. It’s likely that you will need some financial security for things which are coming in the middle of the year. So, be excited, and be happy about where this can take you. Some things take time to develop, so don’t lose faith in yourself and your abilities, but you will need the financial security to bring you there.

May to August

The Page of Cups
This is the summer of love for those who are looking for it. Somewhere out there is the right one, it’s all about time, place and destiny. All you need to do is be your best self to get it. For those of you who are in a relationship, things could be about to hot up a little. Take time to allow yourself to walk down memory lane, and perhaps a visit to somewhere from the past will awaken more than just good memories.

September to December

The Queen of Coins
For the winter months of 2018, she is a good card to get. She shows that if you have been careful during the year and watched your outgoings, now is the time it starts to make a difference. You should be able to relax a bit, but the truth is that you learned a few survival skills along the way. This is the difference. The lessons learnt will carry you much further than you ever thought.

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January to April

Eight of Wands
Here is the card of energy, and it’s just what you need when you are stepping into the new year. The first four months of the year are ones which seem to bounce full off happiness and fun. It’s as though the universe has said come on down and join the fun, anything is possible. And that’s just what you seem to do. Libras like company, and someone in the crowd appears to be enjoying having you there also.

May to August

The Wheel of Fortune
The Summer months are when most Libras bounce into their best. The energy of the sun allows them to come into their best mode. And everything about you seems to glow. Happiness is yours for the taking. All you need to do is allow it to happen to you. Take the summer months and make them a great place to be. Your free spirit and summer glow, attracts more than one admirer. It looks like you have the pick of the bunch.

September to December

Three of Cups
Love is in the air, and it looks like it could be a warm winter for Libra’s. If your one of the Lucky Libra’s, you will be filling it with warmth and love. You can be in a relationship for years, and still find a new place in your heart to bring back the old feeling that started you on the journey. For the single Libras, the year hasn’t ended yet, and there is someone else looking to keep their heart warm for the winter.

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January to April

The Three of Wands
As the year opens, It’s about teamwork. A third party has just what you need, and if your wise, you’ll learn to listen for a while and allow them to direct you to where you need to be. Together you can build something wonderful. If there is one thing you can achieve it’s harmony between you and someone else. Time will open new doors, and if you dare to open them there could be exciting things to be revealed.

May to August

The Eight of Coins
Creativity is the name of the game this summer. Open your imagination to what can be rather than what is. If you need to take time out and think about where you want something to go, then do so. Time isn’t the master of anything you do over the next few months. You need to take the panic out of a situation and allow calm to enter the room. There you will find the answer to anything you’re looking for.

September to December

The Page of Cups
Love is in the air for the winter. For you lucky Scorpios who are looking for love, it’s never really been that far away. You were probably just looking in the wrong place. Play your cards right and it could be a very happy time for you. This is not just a once off situation. It’s possible that this could lead to something bigger and better. One day at a time is the message for the winter season this year.

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January to April

The Queen of Coins
She is Motherly advice around delicate things. As the year opens, the wisdom of someone who has walked the walk before cannot be underestimated. You do tend to be over keen to get things up and running and have a result. However, this can lead to you missing vital information. Patience is the key to everything this year. So, don’t worry about speed. Attention to detail and careful advice are the ingredients to make it work.

May to August

The Lovers Card
Here is the card of difficult decisions. The problem with the summer is that there is so much happening. We can very easily get led down the wrong path and make the wrong decisions. It’s best to take the time to decide, but remember, there will always be regret to some extent regardless of which one you picked. So, remember that there is no such thing as perfect, the trick is to make the best of what you have.

September to December

The Four of Cups
This is the card of a happy heart as the winter moves in and prepare to close the year. Four is the number of balance, and who can resist the power of a Sagittarian charm? Alone you are a strong character, but when working in a pair there is nothing to stop you in anything you set out to do. It looks like a happy and warm winter for most of the Sagittarians as we close the year of 2018.

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January to April

The Three of Cups
This shows a new person coming into your circle early in the year in some cases, and in others it’s an event that will lift your heart as high as it will go. Whichever of the two lies in your path the first four months of the year, this points to happiness and a sense of something you dreamed off finally becoming reality. The potential for happiness is overwhelming but you need to tell yourself that you deserve it.

May to August

The Fool Card
This is the card of taking chances to make things you wished for develop into what they can be. The Summer sun is giving you the energy, and destiny is giving you the opportunity, now all you need to do is decide when to take it and what to do with it. It’s not very often that life hands you these opportunities, so when you get it. Take it and run with it. Show the others just how you work and why you normally succeed.

September to December

The Devil Card
As the winter closes in at the end of the year, we must do two things. One is to reflect on the past and see where things went wrong, and the other is to look forward to the future and plan a better one. To do this we must sacrifice the things which are holding us back. There is always something which takes the fun out of life, but for some reason we keep it there. Perhaps this is the year to shift it once and for all.

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January to April

The Ten of Coins
This card generally talks about the home and living space. The spring cleaning in the early part of the year may stir you to go one step further. It’s a great card for the home hunter, or those who are renovating. It’s about feathering your nest for the rest of the year. Perhaps the conditions weren’t just right up until now. But everything has come full circle for most of you and it appears lady luck is smiling on your home for the first four months of the year

May to August

The Queen of Coins
She is the clever one who lets you go astray, her motherly guidance delivers good things. It can come in the form of guidance, answers to your prayers or safe passage when it come to dealing with the material things in your life that you value. The Summer months are going to be positive ones when you are under her influence. All you need to do is offer your troubles up to the universe and let her influence help your path.

September to December

Don’t panic, this is the best card you can get in the Tarot deck. The Death card means the death of an old way of life and the beginning of a new and brighter day. All the things you have wished for and worked for are now moving into the possible zone. There isn’t a lot you can do about things that fail, so concentrate on the things that are blossoming for you. This is where you have to put all your attention and energy.

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January to April

Ten of Swords
All may not be as it seems in the first four months of the year. There could be more to something than someone is promising. Just take a while to scan something and see if you think it’s worth the effort. If you jumpy straight in you could commit yourself to something more than you bargained for. If someone is trying to pressure you into making a rash decision, then there is normally a reason they are doing it.

May to August

The Two of Coins
This card is for the magic summer months. All things appear to be balanced and their true value will soon become visible. Being the hard worker that you are, you have no problem caring for the things you value. Being grateful for what you have, is the first step to moving to the next level. Great things are coming, so it’s important to be opened to receiving them. Only when we make room mentally can we truly grow to be happy.

September to December

The Star Card
This is the card of success. However, it can only be achieved if you deal with situations that you have been burying or avoiding. It’s time to take on something that appears difficult. You may find while your doing it that things are not as strange as you thought they were. You may find that you possess some gifts that you were unaware off. Whatever is it. When you have it cleared, a wonderful new path opens.

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As the 7th Son of a 7th Son, Vincent was born a Psychic, Clairvoyant and Healer according to Irish folklore. For decades, Vincent has used his gifts to help people from all walks of life find clarity, direction and purpose. Now he can help guide you.

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